Pregnancy and pet bunny

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Denise from Long Island, New York, USA
Hi bun lovers!

I read somewhere that pregant women should not come into contact withrabbit feces. So, that made me nervous. My husband and I got married inSeptember '05 and want to start trying to have a baby in Sept thisyear.

Is it dangerous to be around a rabbit when you are pregnant??
I had my rabbit when I was pregnant and has notheard that it is dangerous. I did not clean his litter while pregnant,made my hubby do that:)
I think its dangerous to clean cats litter if they are outside cats.
Yes that is correct, You only have to worryabout cat faeces as they could contain a parasite which causes adisease called toxoplasmosis. Healthy people may have thisparasite and not even know it because their immune system can deal withit but people with weakened immune systems and those who are pregnantcan get ill from it.

Rabbits do not carry the parasite.
just to quickly add.. that information is alsofalse for indoor only cats. doctors don't want pregnant woman cleaningoutdoor cats litterboxes, because they might have worms/parasites. ifyou keep up to date with your outdoor cats worming and parasitepreventions, you shouldn't have to worry about that either. all rabbitpoop is, is grass.
I have gone through 3 pregnancies with my indooronly cat, and I was the one to change the litter box always.(Hubbt CANNOT handle the smell and she is my cat)
I asked my doctor about it once, and she said that since I had cats allmy life in the first place and more than likely it was already in mysystem. To be on the extra safe side, when I did clean I usedrubber gloves and washed my hands throughly when I was done.I hever had any problems at all.

Interesting enough, with my last pregnancy, right before I found out Iwas pregnant, I went to the dentist and they scheduled me a rootcanal.:shock: Since I was preggers, they said that I shouldwait on it. In the very beginning my tooth was sensitive, butthen it went away. I had absolutly no problems with my tooththe entire pregnancy. My baby is 4 months old now and withinthe past week, it started to hurt and I ended up having the root canalyesterday(it was not as bad as I thought). I think that thebody, with the baby in there along with the prenatals, ends up beingvery healthy.

Well, that was just my 2 cents on this subject!
You did not mention having cats but for futurepregnant women owning cats you can take your cat to the vet and havethem tested for toxoplasmosis. Most of them don't have it. If you'regoing to have a baby in the house it is well worth the money to havethe cat tested even if hubby will clean the box.

edited to add link for blood test for toxoplasmosis
Toxoplasmosis is only found in cats from what I understand. You should be safe.
I honestly cannotimagine why rabbit poop would be dangerous to handle :dunno (aside fromproviding a really good excuse for why hubby has to clean thelitterbox :tongue)
They probably have the same warning on all the's what it says:

"Note: We recommend those with suppressed immune systems and pregnantwomen not to come into contact with soiled litter. Please washhands thoroughly after handling used rabbit litter."

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