Pre-stasis Symtoms

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Pipp, who is molting,has hairy, stringypoops, and some a lot smaller than usual. There also seems tobe fewer of them (but this could be my overactive imagination).

I have to go out of town for a few days today, and can't take her withme, she's going to a friend's house. (And I don't thinkthere's a bunny vet where I'm going, anyway).

The question is, what are the odds of stasis at this point?

And what are the first 'rush her to the vet' symptoms? Noteating? No poops? I can never tell if her tummy'sbloated, noisy or still. It may be hard to judge lethargy,seeing as she's going to be caged a lot more than usual, and she's notreally fond of her sitter.

Her appetite seems okay so far, although not as good asyesterday. (I planted this huge dandelion inside for herthinking she could casually munch on it over a day or two, and she atethe whole thing, flowers, stems, leaves, while I was out buyinggroceries). She munching on bok choy as I type, only eatingthe green part. And she's running around. (I'venever heard if exercise helps, but if tummy massages work...)

She won't eat canned pumpkin (although it seems if I leave it near herfor a couple of days, she eats it on the second day, oddly enough, evenwhen I give it to her room temperature). I've stuck her oatsin with the pumpkin for inspiration, nada so far.

I'm out of fresh pineapple (although I'll ask mybunny sitterto grab some). She also doesn't like papaya, andI've never been able to find the tablets (orNutrical For thatmatter)in any of the pet stores I'vetried.

And she's not much of a hay eater. Maybe she just doesn'tlike this brand of Tim's much, but it's all I've got (and all I canget. I'm not exactly in a 'feed store'area).

I'm taking her pellets away (12% protein) in the hopes that she'll eatmore hay, is this wise? I'm increasing her oats, too (they'reher main treat), and cutting out the other fruit treats so she'll bemore receptive to the pineapple (although I may try the papaya again,is it that much better?)

When should I worry? (I mean worry more).


Lethargy, restlessness and lack of appetite are afew of the first signs of stasis. Stasis can often bepreceded by a viral infection, so avoiding stress and temperatureextremes may also be helpful.

Keep up with the greens (dandelion and parsley are especially good),continue with some pellets (they contain important fiber andfats). You can also offer a little Nutri Cal which hashealthy oils and vitamin E. The greens and Nutri Cal bothhelp to stimulate the appetite as they are rich in complex B vitamins.

Thanks for the info. :)

One question I forgot to ask... where is a bunny's tummy? If I'mmassaging her to help loosen her up and break up any gas, where exactlydo I massage?

Also (I'm such a pest), can hairballs cause problems aside fromstasis?Are her poops strung together a concern on their ownwith no other symptoms?Do stringy,hairypoosusually happen to moltingbunnies? How often does it mean stasis?

(And what are the chances she has gas, does it go with hairy poos, too?)

Pipp wrote:
Thanks for the info. :)

One question I forgot to ask... where is a bunny's tummy? If I'mmassaging her to help loosen her up and break up any gas, where exactlydo I massage?

Also (I'm such a pest), can hairballs cause problems aside fromstasis?Are her poops strung together a concern on their ownwith no other symptoms?Do stringy,hairypoosusually happen to moltingbunnies? How often does it mean stasis?

(And what are the chances she has gas, does it go with hairy poos, too?)


The stomach itself is located right under the ribs. Theentire digestive system is slightly over 8 ft. long when stretched outand takes up nearly the entire abdominal cavity (except forreproductive organs). The heart and lungs are protected inthe thoracic cavity within the rib cage.

Gas relief products for human babies are safe to use for rabbits.

Hairy poops are a good sign that the fur is passing through.

Gassy rabbits are usually restless and appear uncomfortable (may flop down and change positions often).

Hairballs are actually brought on by a slowing of the intestinalsystem. The hair itself is usually not the cause.The problem often begins with stress factors that lead to a viralinfection which affects the nerves of the intestinal system, leading tostasis and bloat.

You can call your vet for the name of acomparable product. Nutri Cal is a high calorie dietarysupplement for dogs and cats. Some people have used a similarproduct for ferrets when they can't find the dog/cat brands.Many on-line companies also carry Nutri Cal.

Here are the ingredients of Nutri Cal:

Corn Syrup, Soybean Oil, Malt Syrup, Cod Liver Oil, Cane Molasses,Methylcellulose, Water, Peptones, dl-Alpha tocopheryl Acetate (Vit. E),Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), Manganese Sulphate, Iron Peptonate,Thiamine HCl, Nicotinamide, Calcium Pantothenate (source of Calcium andPantothenic Acid), Magnesium Sulphate, Pyridoxine HCl, Vitamin APalmitate, Potassium Iodide (Source of Iodine and Potassium),Riboflavin 5' Phosphate Sodium (Source of Vit. B2 and Phosphorus),Vitamin A Palmitate & D3 Concentrate, Folic Acid andCyanocobalamin (Vit. B12).


You can also getNutri-cal from this supplier its alot chaeper than vets and feed storecompare prices even withshipping it costs less

I have been doing buisness withthis company foryears it was my first and onlysupply place for my horses . they have apet section in here which you canaslo get catalogs for5.00 for nutri cal as apposed to 11.00 at my feedstore half thesavings and same if not betterquality !
Thanks again, guys. :)

I guess I'm being overprotective and a worry wart again, measuring thesize of her poop and panicking when I haven't seen any for all of fourhours. (No wonder my friends think (?) I'm nuts).

(And Pipp's gettingconfused, I'msaying 'good girl!' when she poops on the rug). ;)

Thanks for the NutriCal info, maybe they'll ship into Canada.

Off to pack, later all.. ~
