Well-Known Member
I really just need somebody to talk to right now..so I guess you're it! Well... most of you know that my hubby and are expecting in the beginning of May; which is very exciting and yet trying at times. Anyhow, I've been insured under his policy since we got married. He works building Mod homes and a lot of companies are having a particularly hard time right now. He's been laid off about 1/2 the time now and that's fine as he'll work a week then be laid off... it's hard but atleast he still has work. Anyhow, we got a letter that as of March 31st all beneficiaries/riders will be dropped from insurance or have to pay at cost. Please understand that "At cost" means about $150 a week! Now.... we make JUST above eligibilty for Medicair or WIC assistance and NO insurance policies will accept me this close.. believe me... I've spent days on the phone trying to find someone...
How can life be this unfair? Both of us work full time (45 hours a week) and don't have a mortgage payment.... but we can't even afford insurance! I can't stand the hit of "$6,000-$15,000" just for my hospital stay... that's 1/5 to 1/2 what we net ina year! Besides the fact that, yes, I have a college degree and these are actually considered "good" jobs??!
I tend to think of myself as a decent person... I don't steal... I don't lie... I don't cheat... I volunteer and I take care of things as best I can... how does stuff like this always seem to happen to me??
How can life be this unfair? Both of us work full time (45 hours a week) and don't have a mortgage payment.... but we can't even afford insurance! I can't stand the hit of "$6,000-$15,000" just for my hospital stay... that's 1/5 to 1/2 what we net ina year! Besides the fact that, yes, I have a college degree and these are actually considered "good" jobs??!
I tend to think of myself as a decent person... I don't steal... I don't lie... I don't cheat... I volunteer and I take care of things as best I can... how does stuff like this always seem to happen to me??