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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2008
Reaction score
Sligo, Pennsylvania, USA
I really just need somebody to talk to right I guess you're it! Well... most of you know that my hubby and are expecting in the beginning of May; which is very exciting and yet trying at times. Anyhow, I've been insured under his policy since we got married. He works building Mod homes and a lot of companies are having a particularly hard time right now. He's been laid off about 1/2 the time now and that's fine as he'll work a week then be laid off... it's hard but atleast he still has work. Anyhow, we got a letter that as of March 31st all beneficiaries/riders will be dropped from insurance or have to pay at cost. Please understand that "At cost" means about $150 a week! Now.... we make JUST above eligibilty for Medicair or WIC assistance and NO insurance policies will accept me this close.. believe me... I've spent days on the phone trying to find someone...

How can life be this unfair? Both of us work full time (45 hours a week) and don't have a mortgage payment.... but we can't even afford insurance! I can't stand the hit of "$6,000-$15,000" just for my hospital stay... that's 1/5 to 1/2 what we net ina year! Besides the fact that, yes, I have a college degree and these are actually considered "good" jobs??!

I tend to think of myself as a decent person... I don't steal... I don't lie... I don't cheat... I volunteer and I take care of things as best I can... how does stuff like this always seem to happen to me??

Bad things usually do happen to the nicest of people :(
I'm so sorry things aren't going well, my PM box is open for rants, tears, chats anything :)

Hope things start to look up for you and your family soon.

Best wishes

Becaaaaaarrh xx
I'm so sorry :( I can't imagine how stressful this must be for you right now, especially when you need to stay calm and focus your energies elsewhere.

I don't have any advice but we are here if you do need to talk.

I hope you can find a way through this.

I'm sure you've already checked out PA medical, but just in case . . .

It's not fair that you guys work so hard to support those who won't work (PA is the "welfare state"). It's tough to be stuck in the middle class under-insured while the welfare recipients drive their fancy cars, keep thier heat at 80 degreesand eat steaks for dinner. :(

I'll be praying for you guys and hope that you can find some assistance soon. Hang in there!

Thanks Pam- they're going to send me the information but we make about $300 a month over their max so I'm not sure they'll help us. I may possibly be able to pay the insurance "at cost" which... would atleast help some. Anything is better than nothing at this point. Well.. considering just my QUAD scan cost over $1,000 for 4 tubes of blood... it's just nuts.

In the same situation, my sister in law has 5 children.. has never worked and her husband only makes what I do but they can get all of the assistance they need for name brand clothes, new cars, a new house... everything... and I just need help to pay to have it!

Oh well, there's a reason for everything... I think he's just testing us.
That's rotten. Is there any kind of additional assistance for prenatal and birth care? Any chance you can get health care through your job? Usually you can sign up at any time if it's due to changes at your husband's job, marrying, babies, etc.

If nothing else, start checking out low-costprograms like Blue Cross/Blue Sheild. Maybe you'll be able to find something that will cost less but help enough when the time comes.

If I sign up through my employer I must pay the full cost, he doesn't cover anything. Unfortunately- most of the assistance programs here have a cut off date that I'm already past. I guess they figure that you'd sign up when you find out you're pregnant... but why would I sign up if I thought I had insurance? The system here is just so backwards...
Well.. no matter what happens I can always make payments on the bill without interest.. which is nice. I also learned in my finance class that small hospitals around here have to make a certain amount of per diem work because they're federally funded.. I may ask them if any of my bill could be written down, that would also help.
It always seems that bad things happen to good people.

The only advice I can offer is supplimental unemployment. If your husband is a full time employee, and now he is getting less hours, unemploytment will supliment the hours. My husband is also in construction and we KNOW how that goes, working one week and not the next. Maybe that will at least suppliment his income enough to pay for the insurance.

I hope you are able to find a solution soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
There may be light at the end of the tunnel! Instead of going to human resources, then the agent, then the agent to the company my husband has just spent about an hour on the phone directly with our insurance company and they are willing to do a conversion from our policy now to another policy for me until the baby is born. This way, they should still be able to cover atleast some if it.

I'm not sure what the deductible will be but it's better than nothing and atleast they're willing to work with us. I'm supposed to get the information within "7-10" days and they will cover so that there is not a lapse between the two policies that we could get stuck paying. Geez...after two weeks of dealing with this company we've finally got somebody that's willing to help us.. thank goodness...

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