Prayers - Good Vibes - Needed

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Retired Moderator
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
The Bunny Zone, Elkhart , Indiana, USA
My wife had a interview this morning set up through a temp agency. She thought it went well and she is really excited about it. They would want the person selected to start tomorrow, which would work out well, because the job she starts tomorrow afternoon does not pay much above minimum wage.

I hope this works out!
Well there has been an interesting turn of events today with my wife's job search. My wife received a call from the temp agency she has been working through.

On Monday she had an interview for a job she really liked and wanted. The choice was between her and another person. The other person had a little more experience in data entry then my wife so they went with the other person.

The temp agency called and that person quit today for another job, so it opened back up! She starts on Monday!:woohoo

She was also offered another job that she had once interviewed for at a local Better Business Bureau, because that woman had quit only after a couple of weeks.

She decided on the one she just interviewed for because it offered more hours and she liked theoffice environment better.

So everyone's prayers and good vibes worked!!!

Thank You!:biggrin2:

[align=center]:bunnydance::pinkelepht::balloons::magicwand::party::energizerbunny::woohoo:bunny18:bunny19:anotherbun:group::trio:running bunny:clapping:[/align]