Prayers for my boyfriend's dog, Rusty

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2006
Reaction score
Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Rusty is the most lovable wonderful goldenretriever. He is the most gentle soul andis even afraid of mybunnies. He is going to be nine this year and my boyfriendjust found out he has cancer in his lungs. He had cancer when hewastwo,which theywere able to removesurgically, but this time they cant. They are trying some differentmedications to try and shrink thetumors and then they willsee about chemotherapy. They have given him 6 months to ayear to live.


Will you please put this special boy in your prayers? This is a verydifficult time for Mike (my boyfriend) and his family. Thisdogmeans the world to them, he has become part of theirfamily.



Oh wow. I will definitely be praying. After allyou've gone through with your rabbit - to have this happen......justreally hurts.

Good thoughts for you guys while you are going through this. :(

I'm very sorry to hear this, he looks very well loved.

Our 9 year old chow mix, Daisy (looks like a golden) had a Stage 2tumor removed last year, and we recently found what feels like a newone on her upper leg. I know what you guys are going through and youhave my good vibes.
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, how awful.:( I will be keeping you and Mike and Rusty of course in my thoughts and prayers.:pray:
Oh I'm so sorry! You'll all be in myprayers, I know what you're going through. My doggy hadcancer too. She had a surgery and it gave her a few more goodyears of life. She just passed away Jan 2006 at the age of13. I miss her sooooo much!
:bigtears:I´m definetely going topray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that is so sad, my grannies dog died from cancer and it was sohard. I hopethey can somehow give him longer tolive happily!!!!

He´ll be in my thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


lurv anabell :mrsthumper::bunnydance:
I'm sorry. He'll be in myprayers. My two goldens are getting up there, but I stillcan't imagine not having them here.

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