Pray for me *update*

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Oh, please pray for me. I'm so freaked out.

Tomorrow, we're taking me to the dentist to take out my wisdom teeth. I've had my two top ones for some years now (growing diagonally, facing out, so that the inside ridge of my wisdom teeth matches perfectly with the outside ridge of my regular molars)...but Sunday night, I started to have some serious pain issues with my bottom lefthand wisdom tooth. It's trying to grow the same way as the top ones, but the gum isn't letting it go through, so the whole area is REALLY swollen and has become extremely painful.

So, I've had my final straw...and I'm going to get all three (and maybe the ungrown fourth) pulled tomorrow.

Now...bear in mind...I've never had a single tooth problem. I've had braces before (when I was 9), but never anything serious, like pulling a tooth or being knocked out for anything, so on top of the tremendous pain I'm feeling, I also feel really dang freaked out about the whole ordeal. I admit, it could be the pain making me slightly delirious...but who knows? All I know is I'm put it frankly. :(

So...if you guys could lend me your reassurance and prayers and good thoughts...that would be wonderful.

My love to ya'll,

Rosie Toothpain*
I hate the drill!

I had a tooth pulled a month or so back, and it was totally painless. I was shocked.

I had my wisdom teeth pulled eons ago, and it was pretty painless too. (Well, it may have been painful, but I had a prescription for somepain killers and just slept for two or three days and by the time I woke up it was gone). ;)

Just make sure you havesomebody feeding you soup and ice cream for a few days, it will be a distant memory in no time.:pet:

Just remember that it will be so much better than it is now.

Here's hoping you sail right through it!

sas :hug:
Thank you so much, guys. I'm off to bed...hope to be able to post tomorrow...but not hubby will be right by my side the whole time...and we're even going to have Ivan watch Em for us during the dentist visit tomorrow. That'll take a lot of stress off of me, so I don't have to worry about her. (Ivan's the same guy that bunnysat for us during our visit to Vegas.)

So, I'll ask Danny to post something tomorrow letting ya'll know I'm okay, and all.

Love and hugs,

I had mine pulled last year (and I was only 14 - so they wernt grown in yet!) because of issues with my braces, and I didnt feel anything. Before I went in they gave me a pill to take a halfhour before I had my appointment. By the time I got there I couldnt walk straight... Anyways, dont worry, I had mine done, and I am the biggest wuss in the world!( I cried before they put my braces on!:p) So dont worry, they know what they are doing, and as long as you've got some pain killers near by when you get home you should be fine.

Good luck!
Oh Rosie that stinks!

Prayers for you hun. Should be ok, just make sure when they put the gauze in afterwards, that you keep pressure on it, as much as you can handle, this will make it stop bleeding quicker and clot sooner. I just had one pulled in November, it went smoothly, the first time ever.

Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.;)
I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, Rosie. You'll be fine. Don't worry.

I had all four of mine done at the same time without anesthesia, just a local. Like Sas said, the pain meds make it all better. :)

It is so nice when it's done and you know you'll never have to worry about it again!
Ugh...I sit here with my wisdom teeth still intact. Yesterday, we went on over to the dentist's office, got the consultation for surgery, and scheduled it for this morning...then we went over to the receptionist's desk, where we were informed we would have to pay half of the $1600 for the surgery up-front (right then) as a down payment, and the other $800 the morning of the surgery.

Now, granted, I can understand them wanting to avoid anyone owing them money, but it is HIGHLY unusual for a dentist office to ask that. Not to mention the fact that its quite a high price (even around here) for removal of wisdom teeth.

So, we opted out...and decided to just wait until our regular surgeon (one that will bill us, and charge a decent price for it) gets back into town on Thursday. I told Danny flat-out that, yes, I would love to get these dang teeth out of my mouth, but I would like to not get screwed in the process.

And so, I wait...:grumpy:

I think you'd be surprised at the amount of Advil and such I have to take to remain sane through this...but it's just too dang painful to do anything else...:(

Edited to add: I forgot to mention the actual problem going on in my mouth. The dentist said that my wisdom tooth is simply trying to grow in a space where my jaw isn't designed to hold a tooth. The teeth are supposed to grow on the horizontal portion of the jaw...well, the bottom wisdom teeth are trying to grow on the up-sloped portion, and the lefthand side has become all inflamed and is causing me "discomfort", as the dr put it. Haha...feels a lot like PAIN to me! :)
You don't have an infection, do you? Only asking because if you do, they will need to give you antibiotics before they will even extract them and that's another week or two wait on your part:(. Also, wondering if you can call either, the folks you saw yesterday and get some Tylonel 3 or better yet Vicadin? You need something if you're in this much pain, seriously.

I wouldn't want to get screwed either, it does seem like the cost of this stuff has gone up considerably. When I got that one wisdom tooth pulled, it cost like (let me remember) $600ish, that was with a pan (all around xray).
Mine aren't above the surface yet, but I'm scheduled to have my 3 wisdom teeth out when I get back to CA in August. When we scheduled the surgery I remember thinking wow, that's alot of money to pull some teeth. I'm really happy with the oral surgeon my dentist reccomended, but I doubt he'd be cheaper than the one you already have.

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