potty training

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Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane, , Australia
Hey guys, I have an approximately 3 month old fuzzy lop and after looking at pictures of the set up some of you guys have, I'm jealous of your litter boxes. Kind of...Wondering how you train them to poop in the tray/box, instead of everywhere like my boy Zep does. Also, when can I start feeding him veggies? He doesn't seem to be a big fan of the pellets, and I'm on my third brand!!
at 12 weeks, you can start gradually introducing veggies (begin with small amounts; introduce one at a time a few days apart). http://www.rabbit.org/care/veggies.html is a good veggie list to start with :)

as for the litter box...
~ don't use bedding in the cage, it tends to confuse them - I did at first and mine knew to pee in the cage, but they were peeing in at least one other corner in addition to using the box.
~ don't expect miracles with poop, especially w/a baby - they produce upwards of (iirc) 200 poops a day so they're never gonna get ALL of them in the box and babies have a short attention span.
~ have the bunny's hay in the box or in a manger hanging over the box so that they're encouraged to sit in the box when eating hay - they like to poop and munch at the same time, so a set up like this will trick the bunny into getting a large portion of their poops in the litter box
~ spay/neuter when your bunny's of age - this tends to improve litter box habits.

Does bunny have access to hay too? They need unlimited access to hay. Pelllets are important too because even when you start veggies you need to start them very, very slow so he will still need pellets.

How has he been eating and pooping and peeing since you brought him home? If he was weaned too young they can have issues eating which might be why he is not eating pellets. China is notorious for weaning animals too soon.

As far as litter training, Jennifer is right with a baby they poop SOOOO much and have little attention span that it isn't uncommon for them to not poop in the litterbox. Also, buns when in a new atmosphere will use droppings to mark their territory. Agnes pooped everywhere when we first brought her home. That improved with time and then after her spay she is nearly perfect with her litterbox.

When he is out playing keep his litterbox near him and give him free run to a small area and increase the space as his litter box skills improve.

If he pees or poops in a different corner of his cage,, if you can move the poop and or soiled pee material in his litterbox and then move the litterbox to the corner he picked.

Good luck!
Thanks guys!! I checked on him after a few hours away tonight and he seems to have eaten quite a big amount of pellets! His hay is disappearing too hahaha. Oh trust me, there's nothing wrong with his bladder! Thanks for the tip, I think I'll introduce some bok choy tomorrow! Appreciate all the help!

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