Hi LisaR
I have been litter training my bunnies for quite sometime and I have found they adapt quickly. I use a container with a wad of old newspaper in the bottom covered with a layer of hay. I empty it everyday but for the first few days I don't clean it out , just replace the inner material so it retains the bunnies own smell.
The boy bunnies seem to be happy to sit in their muck but learn very quickly that is their throne and no one else's.
The girl bunnies take a couple of days and mark around their home more until they are satisfied that the litter tray is theirs and they have the right to mark more when their hormones are at their peak, eg just before mating.
It's all a matter of sussing out your bunny and what they want.
I have Bilby who moves her litter tray around her home but uses her litter tray, no problem!