Post spay help!!**blood?

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Mar 15, 2014
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SO Skye was spayed yesterday around 12pm- I picked her up around 6pm- she didn't really want to eat but she took like 2 nibbles out of a piece of spinach-no interest in hay- I put the heat up last night so she would be warm (she felt a little cold to the touch) and I woke up every 3-4 hours to check on her. It's 10AM now and I found her in her litter pan with some mushy poo, slowly nibbling on some hay and I see urine in the cage but one spot is a little red like blood- also on her side it looks wet like she groomed herself and I can see some faint red/brown like old blood. She WON'T let me touch her to see the incision at all. Another thing is the Doctor never sent me home with meds! I asked him to and when I picked her up I was so focused on getting her home I forgot to check the bag for meds. I called them and they are gonna fax a script to the animal hospital I work at for Metacam but I work today 12-8pm so I may not be able to get pain meds in her until 8pm- is it normal after spay for mushy poo and a little blood where she urinated? I'm gonna try to get her to eat more and drink more before I leave for work. Both rabbit Doctors are out until Monday!!!
She is currently enjoying a piece of banana but that's about eh only thing she's being excited to eat!
Yay she's eating her hay and drinking! Now if I could only see what that incision looks like.....
Some mushy poop can be normal, but I don't know about the blood. I wouldn't think you should be seeing any blood though, if you're sure it's blood and not just dark urine. Can you not call up the vet office and ask? There must be some way they can get your questions answered.
I don't think that the blood is normal. You might want to ask your vet about that. Until then keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't mess with the incision.
Mushy poo is quite normal but blood no so I'd phone up the vet surgery!
I had a scare once, when my albino bunny laid on a pee spot that was red and when he got up, he looked like he was bleeding, but it was only the color of their pee. You might want to see what color the urine is before deciding if its blood.
Pee is never red. If it is red, there is blood in it. Rabbits don't eat beets so therefore any red coloring in their urine is blood.

Check the incision, make sure that she hasn't messed with it. It could be that she is messing with the incision and made it bleed.
From the House Rabbit Society

"Red colour of the urine is sometimes observed in rabbits. It is probably caused by a plant pigment and does not affect the health of the animal."

Red urine is a descriptive term for the condition where a rabbit's urine varies in color from the normal pale yellow to dark yellow, carrot orange, brown, or bright red. Red urine is not a medical problem. The color usually returns to normal within one to three days, although I have had a couple of rabbits take three to four weeks before their urine returned to the pale yellow color. White urine may be due to excess calcium in the diet; if it stays white for many days you may want to discuss your rabbit's diet with your veterinarian. Dark urine resulting from heat stress or dehydration may require fluid therapy"

Red urine and bloody urine are too different things.

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