So about two months ago i noticed margarita slightly tilting her head to one side (but only when she was sitting on the steps) shaking her head and scratching. She has red ears the vet said it was nothing major (he also looked up her nose and at her teeth) gave me some drops for 10 days. The drops were a nightmare to give her as she wont let me hold her or grab her to burrito wrap so i got the drops in as much as i could usually about one every tqo days. She seemed better and wasnt scrathing or shaking her head anymore. Then two days ago she sneezed once when she was downstairs, then yesterday when i got home and she was by her hay she has a sneezing fit (about 5 sneezes in a row) then once while in the litter box. Her nose looks a little wet but just by the opening, im not sure if thats from her licking me or drinking but it always seems to be a little wet. She is eating drinking pooping normal. Last night she seemed a little strange but snapped out of it. This morning totally normal running up stairs jumping on bed and in a good mood. Does their mood change from snuffles like when they have stasis? (not moving and looking like they are in pain). Or do they act normal? Im not sure if it is allergies or dust because it is not constant just those two times. Or if its from her ear infection and now is turning into UR? Sorry for the long post but i wanted to give as much detail as possible. I have a video, not sure if it will attach.
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