Possessed Bunny

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
Reaction score
kents store, Virginia, USA
I have come to the conclusion Scamper is possessed. I had just cleaned his cage with him separated from me with a NIC panel screen. Moved the screen to let him run around and went to pet him on the back. His head spun around 180 degrees and grabbed onto the top of my arm then wrapped his back feet around my hand and started scratching me. I finally got him off and he had left 2 really deep punctures in my arm . When I got him off of me I held him to the floor and told him that was bad. Little sucker tried to charge me 3 or 4 times right after that. I put him in his cage and he is still there. Has anyone ever had to confine a bunny till after they are fixed. I can't have him biting Emma like he has gotten me, so far he has only given her love nips and special hugs.
Yup, completely normal. Boys can get fixed at 3 months, sounds like the time to do so.
I know, I guess he didn't mind the photo attempt but didn't like his newly cleaned cage with fresh hay and food go figure. I did get a video clip of him giving Emma's arm a special hug yesterday I'll have to post that soon lol. He has an appointment Jan 25 but I might have to spring for the more expensive option like next week if possible. I want my sweet Scamper back whose head doesn't spin around and who doesn't hang off of my arm.
Disney Bunnies meets The Exorcist lol aww that must have hurt they really are little toads till they get the snip. Rocky would scratch my legs and bite, and also pee all over me and my lounge room I hope Scamper hasn't started doing that as well :p
Yea he marks my daughters bed but he can't get to it now. But he flung pee in her face again :grumpy: last night. I think he :inlove: her and don't know what he is thinking about me when I'm the one who feeds and cleans up after him.
They care more about the feeding than the cleanup. And anyway he's not thinking, the hormones are. Once the hormones leave [though it won't be immediate after the snip], things will be good again.
"Special hugs" eh? I laughed out loud :biggrin:

Hope he gets back to his normal self soon! Thank the Lord my male bun was already fixed when I got him!!
Was your hand in his cage when he bit you? My rabbits, even though they are neutered, are very territorial of their cages. Even when running around the bedroom, they will come over and nip me if they see me fiddling around in their cages.

It's also possible that you just scared him. I was attacked pretty badly by my rabbit when he was younger. I don't think it had anything to do with hormones. I just bumped into him and I scared him - his instinct was to defend himself.
He wasn't in his cage, he was out in the room. Don't think I scared him, pretty sure he was holding a grudge because I had just cleaned out his cage. The first time he bit it was when I was picking up a poo pellet from behind where his cage was. He has been very protective of his markings.

Things are looking better since the neuter he hasn't bitten in a couple of days and hasn't been charging or marking recently.

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