Well-Known Member
I have come to the conclusion Scamper is possessed. I had just cleaned his cage with him separated from me with a NIC panel screen. Moved the screen to let him run around and went to pet him on the back. His head spun around 180 degrees and grabbed onto the top of my arm then wrapped his back feet around my hand and started scratching me. I finally got him off and he had left 2 really deep punctures in my arm . When I got him off of me I held him to the floor and told him that was bad. Little sucker tried to charge me 3 or 4 times right after that. I put him in his cage and he is still there. Has anyone ever had to confine a bunny till after they are fixed. I can't have him biting Emma like he has gotten me, so far he has only given her love nips and special hugs.