Poorley Bunny

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New Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Worcester, , United Kingdom
Hi, this is my first forum message so you'll have to be gentle with me.

I have a boy bunny, called marley, he's just over a year old and helives with his best buddy, a guinea pig called Pig (i know, terriblename).

Anyway, just after christmas he started to hold his left hind leg offthe floor while he was running around, we took him to the vets and thecouldn't figure out what was wrong so he was booked in for an xray.even after the xray, they couldn't tell whatwas wrong withhim apart from a little excess tissue build up around his knee joint,so he was booked in for some surgery the next week to investigatefurther and take samples of fluid in the joint if any. The tests cameback and we were told that he had something called Osteomyletis,bacteria in the joint after trauma. Since the diagnosis he has hadalmost 6 weeks of antibiotics with another 2 to go, he is a muchhappier bunny, the abcess in his joint has gone down andhishair is growing back around the wound. The last issue we have, isunfortunately a big one, since his first xray he hasn'tbeenable to walk properly. The left leg, the original injury isunderstandable but he has just given up using them both.Ihave been giving himphysio on both legs since the op, heresponds in both to touch and pressure, ie spreading his toes whentickled, i just don't know if there is anymore i can do.

He used to be the quickest bunny i've ever known, we struggled to catchhim if he wasloose in the garden and loved his sleeping placeby the pipes in the upstairs bathroom, but i don't know if he'll everatempt stairs again or even run. Is there anyone else with similarexperiences of bunny paralysis orsimilar?
I'm sorry I dont have any experience with paralysis in a bun. So I am not going to be able to help you here.

It appears that you are doing everything in your power to help your bunas me being in the UK myself I know how much an xray andsurgerycan cost for an animal. I just want to give you mythumbs up for all you are doing for Marley and welcome you to theboard. I hope he gets better.

Keep posting and let us know how he gets on.

Greetings and welcome to the forum.

Too bad it is under such circumstances :(.

I don't know of any advice I can offer, but prayers and thoughts are sent your way.

Some of our more knowledgable members should be along shortly with some guidance, though.

Keep doing what you're doing.. .. it sounds like the right thing!

Keep us posted!!

Has the vet said much about this new issue? Could the infection have gone to his spine or other leg?

I don't have much advice at all. I just thought of those things to ask if you hadn't already.

I'm so sorry about marley. I hope and pray he recovers fully. :(
I pulled up a previous post I made that might prove to be of some help........

"This may not be applicable in this particular situation, but you mayalso not have much to lose by trying this "old fashioned"remedy. Link to:http://cooleyscritters.freeservers.com/photo6.htmlandscroll down to Hindquarter Paralysis that is not caused by a breakin the back. The lady whose site it is given on is a finewoman and one whose knowledge I hold in high esteem. Sheclaims the treatmentto be very effective. Might beworth reading and trying if... at a loss as to what to do.

Prayers go out to you and your bun....It is so disheartening."


Somehow I knew it would be Buck that would reply to this.

Kuddos to Buck!!!!!

I knew I had seen something here that might pertain, but couldn't find it.

:~) Jim
What you may try is having the bunny on the floodand lifting it from just behind the front paws. You may beable to encourage it to start using its hind legs if you move it arounda little. Just experiment and see if there is anythinghappening. Don't panic if it shows a little pain.If it acts like it is in a lot of pain back off. You willhave to work on it every day a little. Massaging the legtendons won't hurt either.

Of course joints that are not used get stiff tendons and it is verypainful. I spent 5 weeks with one arm in a sling and it wasvery painful working on getting my arm to straighten back out, took acouple of weeks also. Some infections destroy the cartridgein the joint, so the one leg may never be normal.

We hopped!!!I was supporting his backlegs and encouraging him to have a wander round with his back end offthe floor, which hedidand there was a hop, only alittle one, but it was a bunny hop! thanks for your support. Clair& Marley
Welcome to the forum, marleymurray,

Just seeing this and so glad to hear you had ahop!

Bless your heart, and Marley's too. If love can heal, Marley sure has all he needs to get beyond this.

I'll be thinking and praying for you. My heart goes out to you.

marleymurray wrote:
We hopped!!!I was supporting his back legs andencouraging him to have a wander round with his back end off the floor,which hedidand there was a hop, only a little one,but it was a bunny hop! thanks for your support. Clair &Marley
:) That's such good news. I have been watching for you to post.

Please let us know how he does.

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