Well-Known Member
A few months ago we built Gizmo a run so he could come and go out of his cage as he pleases, some of the barricades used are the back of my couches basically to keep him out of the living room because of the rugs and his spraying, well the little bugger found a way up on top of the couch and just slid casually down the front, down to the cushion and just gave me this look like ( what mom, what did i do?) :innocent we are now struggling to keep him down. I am also unsure as to why he comes up, is it possibly because we are sitting here and he wants to be with us? or is it because he doesn't have permission and he is being a typical naughty teeny-bun ?( my analogy of a teenage bun) lol I am wondering what i could do to keep him down, we have tried putting things up on the couch but he just goes around it and i also don't want him getting hurt, we do have 2 gates that keep him in his run which are high enough and secure. Anyone have any ideas ????