Poor little petshop bunny

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2006
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland, ,
Earlier on today I went into the petshop in thesame town I go to school in (I live in a tiny village so there is nopetshop or secondary school). I was there to get some rabbit food, andas usual I went down the back to see the animals:)

Just so you know, this place has a terrible reputation withanimals:(They actually used to be quite good,theyhad nice big areas for the bunnies and always had freshfood and water- then they changed owners. They got new (tiny) cages,they don't give enough food and water and you should see the fishtanks! They're full of dead ones:shock:

When I went down there was the cutest little bunnies!:hearts

They looked like mis-marked dutches to me, maybe dutch crosses I'm notsure, perhaps it was a breeder getting rid of unwanted stock or someone who bred their pet rabbits. There was one black and white one and 3light brown (fawn?) and white ones. Three of them were ok, two were ashy, but one came over andwas licking my finger! :inlove:BUT,the other one (brown) was definitely not right! It wouldn't move, andit seemed to be in pain, I nearly cried in the shop.:cry4:

I wanted to buy it and take it to the vet, but I didn't have enoughmoney with me and they don't sell to school children anyway (i was inmy uniform) and my mum would not have been impressed if I'd landed homewith another rabbit.:cry1:

I was so angry, I didn't say anything though, there was about 8 peoplestanding up at the till (don't havea clue why) so I just paidfor the food and left. I hate seeing things like this, you would neversee a cat or dog treated like this by people who you would expect tolike animals. Sorry this is kind of long, I just wanted to let you allknow...

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny
Please send letters of complaint to the storeand everywhere else you can think of, even anonymously.Threaten to boycott them. If they know they're beingmonitored, the care might just get a bit better. Every littlebit helps.

Pipp wrote:
Please send letters of complaint to the store and everywhereelse you can think of, even anonymously. Threaten to boycottthem. If they know they're being monitored, the care mightjust get a bit better. Every little bit helps.

yes exactly this!!!

Some pet shops arereally awful,no matter where you live!!

That is just sad Michaela :(

Also, I would either call or go in there and ask to speak to the manager.

Its worth a shot. They shouldnt be selling sick animals. But that justmakes me nervous that they would put it down or something.

Do you guys have anything like the ASPCA here that monitors animal abuse?
We have the RSPCA here, but I don't think theyare very good...especially when it comes to rabbits.:X I can't see themcaring, it's not the only bad pet shop in the area and the problemseems to be getting worse but I will try anyway.

I've noticed in the last while (since it changed owners) there hashardly ever been rabbits in, people do not want to leave their rabbitsthere, I imagine there is a lot of complaints about it, it's awful.

Not so long ago, they had a Guinea Pig in there for ages all alone in atiny little cage, not much food or water, then one day it wasgone:cry1:, (I don't know if someone bought it but i think they eitherput it down, or it was really sick and died:cry4:)

And yesterday there was literally about twenty budgies in an evensmaller cage than the rabbits!!!!:shock: And there was a gerbil inthere with babies with big clumps of fur missing, and desperate toescape (although it was in a half decent sized cage). It looked sostressed.:disgust:

Ugh, I hate that place so much, I wouldn't set foot in it if I could get rabbit food anywhere else close...

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny

yeah i know what u mean, the petshop beside mehad baby hamsters on display with there mother, they were only about aweek old and everyone was tapping at the glass.and rabbits all squashedtogether with fur missing in big patchs. i hate how petshops "stock" upon rabbits and other pets coming up to christmas. most of them buy inwhatever they can.

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