Poor Cookie hates when I clean... Suggestions?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2012
Reaction score
Eastern Panhandle, West Virginia, USA
And no "just not cleaning" won't work! LOLOLOL

So Im kind of OCD with cleaning, my dogs hated it at first too but have adjusted... The issue is all the hay mess... 1) I am finding that I am slightly allergic to the hay, so keeping it cleaned up is essential and 2) i have the.weirdest.dogs.ever! And they are fascinated with EATING the hay! I think they want to be bunnies too... However this leads to them throwing up, constantly! Another reason I need to clean up a lot!

So today I went into Cookies cage to clean up and to put his new hay rack up (we got a small trash can today cut a hole in it and bungeed it to the side of the cage above the litter box)... And he got really mad that I was in there and decided to go in to the living room and pout til I was done... Well since he was in the other rom I decided to vacuum the kitchen and his area... Well THAT really pissed him off... It took me FOREVER to get him to come back to his house and now he is in his little house with his butt facig the world... I feel bad... I even tried to give him some banana, to make him feel better and he wouldn't even take it! :( I feel so bad...

So, sorry to be long winded... But my question is... Is there anything I can do to desensitize him to all my cleaning? Especially with the broom and the vacuum??

I would hate for him to get so upset everyday when I clean up...

Q got used to it after a few times. Especially the vacuum. I'd try something smaller (a hand vac?) She hates the big vacuum but LOVES to chase around the little hand vac. I think it's because she can clearly see that I'm down on all fours holding it, so it's not as scary....They dont like loud noises...but he'll get used to it...
qtipthebun wrote:
Q got used to it after a few times. Especially the vacuum. I'd try something smaller (a hand vac?) She hates the big vacuum but LOVES to chase around the little hand vac. I think it's because she can clearly see that I'm down on all fours holding it, so it's not as scary....They dont like loud noises...but he'll get used to it...

Great idea! Idk why I never thought to use the hand vac lol I will from now on... :) he also hates me messing with his stuff... I guess that's normal tho...
Definitely normal about not wanting their stuff touched. All my boys start rearranging it back to what they want their crate to be after I clean.

K :)
So after going in and watching him for a bit... I don't think he's pouting at me after all... He seems to be afraid of his new hay rack... Which is over beside his litter box... Sure hope he gets used to it and doesn't start going to the bathroom elsewhere... :/
BunMommaD wrote:
So after going in and watching him for a bit... I don't think he's pouting at me after all... He seems to be afraid of his new hay rack... Which is over beside his litter box... Sure hope he gets used to it and doesn't start going to the bathroom elsewhere... :/

I find that any little change kind of upsets my boys a bit. They are very cautious about change. I'm sure he will get used to the new hay rack. It will just take him some time. I don't use a hay rack but put their hay in all their litter boxes, so I really don't know what Cookie will do with this change.

All I can say, is just observe. He'll let you know if he likes the Hay Rack or not.

K :)
ZRabbits wrote:
BunMommaD wrote:
So after going in and watching him for a bit... I don't think he's pouting at me after all... He seems to be afraid of his new hay rack... Which is over beside his litter box... Sure hope he gets used to it and doesn't start going to the bathroom elsewhere... :/
I find that any little change kind of upsets my boys a bit.   They are very cautious about change.  I'm sure he will get used to the new hay rack.  It will just take him some time.  I don't use a hay rack but put their hay in all their litter boxes, so I really don't know what Cookie will do with this change.  
All I can say, is just observe.  He'll let you know if he likes the Hay Rack or not. 
K :)

So my hubby thought it was the height of the new "rack" that was making him nervous... So we moved it down to ground level... Kind of defeats the purpose of the hole I cut lol but if he likes it... No problem! :)
Here is it now...


And he went to the bathroom when I placed him in the box... But has yet to go in there himself...

This whole new momma thing is for.the.birds. My nerves are shot! Hahaha aha lol
I_heart_Fraggles wrote:
Bunnies get very offended when you throw away poops. Those belong to them and they don't think we have any business just throwing them out like trash. :)

Hahahahahaha LOL good to know... I usually don't throw them away... Just put them in the litter box... Well until I clean that LOL he's just gonna have to adjust to my OCD ways... Hehehe if only we could hear them speak... Oooo what he must be thinking, I am absolutely crazy! Hahaha LOL
After sleeping and "sulking" all afternoon/evening... He seems to be back to his oldself :) I will do my best to leave his stuff alone as long as I can't stand it! (which prob means tomorrow) LOL
The "sulking" period got less and less the more my boys got to know me and my cleaning habits. At first they were upset that all was moved, but now they take it in stride.

Kreacher makes sure as soon as he's in his clean crate, he leaves a trail of poop. He's a marker. Dobby will go and rearrange his hay in his litter box the way he likes it, along with the towels and t-shirt he likes to sleep on. Willard marks his hay and everything around before he gets in for the first time after cleaning his litter box.

They got over the sulking period and decided to find ways to make their clean crates their own, until the next cleaning session. lol

Keep doing what you are doing, he'll get used to it and find ways to make his crate his own once you clean it up. They are just like children. lol.

K :)
I sweep up the hay everyday. My buns have gotten used to it. Just a warning, they will show their disapproval sometimes by flipping over your dustpan. (Also, a few of them like to play with the dustpan...so it's hard to tell.) My buns still don't like the vacuum, so I only do so once a week. They usually huddle in their boxes when it's turned on.

As for the hay bin, why not put something small underneath it (perhaps a small block used as a lift) so it doesn't hang over?
Yep - bunnies certainly don't like it when we clean up after them. But he will get more used to it in time, although he's likely to scent mark and move stuff around just as soon as you finish cleaning.

Don't stress about it too much. As you say, he's already back to his old self and the upset should get less each time you clean out his cage.

Small Pet Select
Most of ours don't like the shop vac, but they've gotten used to it. Nikki and Serena both climb all over it when it's in use and even try to investigate the hose while in use. Just takes time, especially if you make any changes in their routine or habitat.
Most of ours don't like the shop vac, but they've gotten used to it. Nikki and Serena both climb all over it when it's in use and even try to investigate the hose while in use. Just takes time, especially if you make any changes in their routine or habitat.
Thank you for all the responses and encouragement! I am going to do my best to keep him routine similar, I work weird schedules but we'll do our best... It's amazing how much this little bunny can just steal.my.heat. :D