Poopy bum in 3 week olds

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Apr 6, 2014
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I have two 3 week old baby bunnies that I rescued, and one of them just got a clump of dropping stuck to his/her fur.
I washed it off and while I did, it stank a LOT. Is that normal?
They are with the mom still and I am not feeding them any treats or veggies.
I have seen them eat alfalfa and a bit of oats, but I haven't seen them eat any of the pellets.
I think they are holland or mini lops, the mom looks like a mini/holland mix, and the babies ears are starting to lop.

How do I prevent it from happening again?
Are the pellets they eat alfalfa or timothy based? If it is alfalfa based do not give them alfalfa hay too. This is too much protein and could be causing the loose stools.

Do not give oats to the babies either. We have noticed that some babies cannot take the oats and will get loose stools. Give the babies pellets and timothy, or horse quality coastal hay. The proper hay will slow things down and hopefully clear the problem.

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