pooping diva rabbit

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Abigail bunny

New Member
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego, California, USA
My bunny, Abigail (about ten weeks old) just recently started pooping and peeing outside of her cage. I was so proud when she would hop back inside her cage to go potty, then hop back out. I give her play time everyday and within the past three days she has been acting like a diva. Not only has she been going potty all over, she has been grunting at me when I open her cage. I get it, its her space but today she lunged at me when I was getting her food bowl. She is also oinking when she is out hopping around. She was never too keen about being held and picked up for too long, she acts like she just wants to run and be free. She does however, let me pet her and stroke her ears and face.

I'm not sure if its an age thing or what, but I'm afraid that she is growing into a not so friendly bunny. Compared to my last bun, Abigail is a lot more active, maybe I'm just not used to an energizer bunny?
Your baby is showing you attitude. Bunnies test. As they grow they will test you with the grunting, lunging so that they can do whatever they want. The pooping and peeing all over is her way of marking. She has become active because she now feels comfortable with you and her surroundings.

Patience is the key. She's 10 weeks old. You need to show her who's boss. Time to reign in her time outside or barricade a place and bring her litter box down. I had to do this when my boys decided they were going to be the boss.

Regarding the picking up and especially grooming is the key with any Lion Head. You need to work with her every day so that she does get used to this. I've had Neville out every day to practice grooming him for at least 5 minutes at a time. Bunnies definitely do not have a long attention space. Neville does not like me to groom his belly and private area. But he's learning.

Practice and patience and be consistant with babies.

Hope this helps. Yes she is definitely different than your last bun. They all are. It's our responsibility to get to know their personality, but not take any sass.

K :)