Pooing Everywhere

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
I know Poe has only just been neutered 11 days ago, but his poos are just getting unbearable! When he gets let out in the morning he will do them everywhere he steps for the first 5-10 minutes as if to say "this is what you get for locking me up all night!". Then this afternoon, he just started doing them again as he was hopping around after he has been sleeping on my desk. I think it is still a territorial thing, but is there any way I can stop him thinking that anywhere he likes is his territory?

He does go in the right place SOMETIMES such as the pad I have put on the couch because he always goes there anyway, and also on top of his cage where I also have a pad because he decided that was another favourite toilet. I just can't stop him from going anywhere he pleases - mostly all over the study floor (his main room). He doesn't go anywhere on the ground out in the apartment apart from on the couch.

I know the advice will probably be give the hormones more time to settle, but is there anything else I can do?

On the plus side, he came over to me while I was working on my desk today and put his head down for me to stroke him! This is the first time ever he has done this. I can nurse him all I like in my arms, but when it comes to the ground he usually bolts off once I touch him, or he grunts at me. He is now letting me pet him almost all the time on his back while he is next to me or on me, and he even bunny flopped right beside me against my leg twice today and snuggled up to me! Making great progress apart from his toilet training issues!

Sounds like you are making so much progress with your bunny.

I wish I could help you regarding the "poop" issue but I still have it here. Not much but always a stray poop will be found. Especially under my husband's kitchen chair. They ALL make sure a poop is left. Even Neville is doing it now.

I know poop is a pain and you are constantly cleaning it up, but I say, "its better than pee." Anything is better than pee.

Thank goodness for my hand vac. lol. But seriously, as my boys are getting older, there isn't a lot anymore. My 10 week old, all he has to do is walk. I instantly think of Hansel and Gretel and trail of crumbs. lol. They are just not crumbs.

K :)
I know, you are absolutely right. And he has been very good with his pee lately - almost always going on a pee pad even if it is just coincidence/he doesn't know he is doing it in the right place! I have put pads just flat ont he ground rather than in a tray on places he always marks as his such as on top of his cage and on the couch, and from then on it seems when he goes on those places it is almost always on the pad. He has a pad in a tray though in his cage and he does seem to pee in there a bit but poops wherever he likes.

It used to be stray poos here and there, but lately he seems to want to only do them all as soon as he is let out! He isn't very aggressive or territorial anymore since he has gotten very comfortable with us and also his decrease in hormones, but I still think a lot of his poops are because he likes to think the whole room/couch is his :p

Thanks for all the advice Karen, it is so helpful! My other bunny who lives with my mum took to his puppy pads in a litter tray in about 1 day, so I just get so frustrated sometimes with Poe and his defiance to do his business in one spot! I think Dudley should come over and help him learn :p Too fluffy for a tiny apartment though... fluff would be everywhere! :(

He certainly does! And I know that is a great thing.. I just hope he gets a more of an understanding personality as he gets older! :p

Thanks everyone for the help and advice.

He certainly does! And I know that is a great thing.. I just hope he gets a more of an understanding personality as he gets older! :p

Thanks everyone for the help and advice.
