Poof! Fur everywhere at the vet

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys!

At the vet, when the vet's assistant brought her out of her carrier, Maisie poofed out all sorts of fur everywhere. She's not normally a very sheddy kind of bunny at all (except for the very slow molt she seems to always be in the middle of, fur from which I never really see), and the assistant said it was a response to the stress of being there and such. The weird thing was that she didn't drop the fur until the moment, literally, that the vet assistant reached for her. :shock:

Is this a usual response?? I mean, that fur was EVERYWHERE!! When I held her while we were there, she COATED my shirt with it!! It was like holding a long-furred cat!! :shock:
i dont know about that... but today when we took petey for his shedding there was hair flying around in the air..of course that is why we took him in the first place:D (that and not eating)
Aww...I'm sorry to hear that he's been having a hard time...but also happy to hear that he's doing better. Keep us posted! :)

Maisie and Flower send their love!! :bunnydance::bunnydance:
I have a cat that I swear is going to be baldby the time she leaves the vet's office every time she has an appointment. You can literally watch all her hair falling out ontothe table. :shock:

OH WOW!! That's impressive!! Poor little scared-y!! :(

Pipp wrote:
I have a cat that I swear is going to be baldby the time she leaves the vet's office every time she has an appointment. You can literally watch all her hair falling out ontothe table. :shock:

Same thing happened to Mocha when I went in to get her nails trimmed. The vet tech handed her to me and she had loose fur everywhere. I knew they had struggled with her and they made her bleed. Needless to say, I trim her nails now;)
Aww...poor Mocha...thankfully, Maisie's fur just basically fell out. It didn't even happen during any kind of struggle...just fell right out right after we opened the carrier door and she saw an unfamiliar face. Seemed strange to me, but the vet assistant said it's quite common...but it was funny! :)
Yeah, it was weird...one minute she was sitting there, normal as can be, the next minute big white tufts of fur were sticking out and falling. Literally...it was so strange! (And this with a chinchilla-colored bun!)

My shirt (which is black, so it REALLY stands out) is COVERED in her fur! And she normally just doesn't shed. Poor little freaked-out bunny!! :(

bbgrl20 wrote:
Wow:?, that would be interesting to see the fur just fall out!

maherwoman wrote:
..thankfully, Maisie's fur just basically fell out.
Probably from the stress. I know Pebbles looses fur when she struggles and has a bit of a tantrum while I'm holding her and I get fur everywhere. I've read rabbits don't sweat, but she seems pretty hot and sticky after (Or could jsut be from my clammy nervous hands while holding her). Poppy had the same thing when I bun sat her after I cut her nails. There were tuffs of fur on my shorts after from the stress of being handled by a semi-new person.
Hehe,this reminds me when Marshmallow had to go to the vet,and Dr Sylvia picked her up and by the time she put her back in her basket she was covered in white fur and i mean covered in fur,Dr Sylvias nice blue uniform wasn't blueno more,it was furry white lol with patches of blue lol.

Rabbits often shed when they are scared or nervous, in my experience.

I always make sure not to wear any dark clothing if I know we're going to the vet. Im always covered in hair when I leave!

My rabbits switch into ultra-shed mode whenever they go to the vet. I think they do it to embarass us:shock:. I feel bad too, because one of the vets (both the vets at the clinic are rabbit-savvy) is mildly allergic to bunnies. They must think Devon and Amber never get brushed!

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