Polly is a very warm, gentle and sweet person. I don't know her the way Tracey does, but it is evidentinthe contents of her posts: how she gets concerned over members' and their buns' troubles, her spontaneous will to help, themanner she expresses her worry, the way she cares about people and the moral support she tries to give... all this showsthat she is a very kind-hearted, sensitiveand compassionate lady. With these qualities and other characteristicsthat our indirect, virtual "get-togethers" here do not allow us to learn, but only to guess,I'm sure that a lot of people love her and care about her. Our RO family certainly does!!!
Polly you're no.1 :blueribbon:you're :adorable:and we :heartbeat:you!!! (buns too!!! :bunnyheart)