My daughter got her Polish for 4-h and we were thinking of showing him in ARBA as well. What do you think of him. I posed him bad as he's 3 mos and not used to sitting still. So I apologize for that.
Ill post some pictures of views that would be used to properly evaluate him just so you can have a reference on posing him. In all views of his body his front toes should be in line with his eye and his back toes in line with his knee. From the pictures posted his ears look long and he needs more depth. To judge much more than that other views are needed. Heres some examples of a profile, top, and back view.
In the first picture I like the width between his eyes. His ears look to be straight but a little long. Can't tell much from the second picture. Try to get him to pose, as Sarah suggested, without him pushing or pulling away.