Polish Bunny Photos

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Here's some photos I took this morning (not thegreatest with my digital, but I did take some really nice ones with my35mm camera) . . .

Here's another. There are 6 total in the litter. 2 does and 4 bucks.

Now we'd better quit playing with bunnies and get back to school work! LOL

Look at all my punkins!! They're precious, Pam. How nice that they all cooperated for a photo.

Thanks for posting them. They've sure grown quickly. Have you found homes for them all?

You're killin' me here Pam LOL!

I've got 3 more weeks till Polish kits..thats if sheeventook.I think she did take as she's being a *cough* right now.:?

Cute kits! :p
Carolyn wrote:
They've sure grown quickly.Have you found homes for them all?


Matthew is giving Stephanie a black buck to use for 4-H. Oneof the does will go to the breeder that Matthew got Todd &Tefani (proud mommy & daddy) from.

Matthew will keep the other doe and the best buck to show.That leaves two little bucks that will be eventually be offered forsale.

How nice it was of Matthew to give one toStephanie. Last I recall, he was consideringit.

Pam ,those babies are adorable !!! I love thewhiteones where the butterflysmacked them in the nose with thewings, just precious!!!

Oh how I would love to add a Polish tothe house but with babiesjust born and not knowing how many more are coming( snif ) I just cant whaaaaaaaaa, ok im overit, but I still love lookingat new possables lol . Maybe one ofthese days I can geta Just pet rabbit , But untill that timeI will just ooooo and awwwwww overeveryone elses house bunnies.
Oh Matthew, whatbeautiful babies!!! ;)You should be very proud of yourbunnies!

Oh those babies are too cute! I fellin love with a BEW Polish when I went to pick up Sampson. Hewas so adorable. They are just the sweetest little babies.

PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Adorable!! I can't believe they sat still long enough forthose photos!!!

I couldn't believe it either! For as wild as thoselittledevils :mad:are, they pretty much stuck wherewe put them. :angel:

He adores them and wants so much to be able toshow them! They'll be old enough to show at our local fair,so that will be their debut :)

I'm not judging this weekend, so I'm taking Matthew to ashow. He's been planning which rabbits he wants totake. So far: Todd (Polish buck), his Himalayan,his Holland Lop buck and some Dwarf Hotots.

pamnock wrote:
I couldn't believe it either!? For as wild as those little?devils :mad:?are, they pretty much stuck where we put them. :angel:


Wild indeed! Can't believe they let you back up and take the picture. :shock2:

I got the gate today and it's working great.

Tucks did just as he was supposed to. :highfive:

Amazing how they go from this: :devil: to this: :angel: so quickly.

Glad to hear the gate is working out! You'll have to post somephotos of the little "prisoner" :devil:


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