So, i have been gone for awhile now..seems like months, but it hasnt been that long well, ive just been busy, especially with Christmas shopping, but i am finished and spent way too much...anyways, i have some news-i know that i talked alot about breeding Poker with a dwarf hotot doe--i was so excited to do this, but things have changed-Poker has got this attitude that I cannot stand lately, so i have decided that it would be best to get him neutered as soon as he reaches the correct age. Same with Vegas. In the time being, Vegas is getting a new hutch..its homemade and i love it it is not the biggest thing in the world but it works for him.. i believe it is about 3 ft long, 2 feet high and about 2 feet there is about a foot of enclosed area that is a little shelter with a shelf for him to jump up on. The hutch will be for indoors. I am going to buy a very large cage that i will attach to Pokers original cage, so he will have lots of space to run around in. I will do that after Christmas. The turtle will be going out to my good friend Suna...thank goodness.. also, luckily for me, the lizard will be going to another good friend Stefan. i want to keep all the animals, but there is not much room for the turtle IN the house(he only has a 10 gallon tank), and the lizard is in a 50 gallon tank taking up too much room. I rescued the turtle when he was very very very little and he was trying to cross the road-FAR from water-i dont know how he got there. He is only about 3 inches long.. and the lizard-he was my sisters. i love him to pieces but he is a grumpy lizard and makes things difficult. anyways they both will be missed-but its for the best. also, as soon as they are gone and the porch warms up, i will be RESCUING a new bun. i will wait until the boys are neutered and i will also rescue a neutered bun. i know that someone on RO works with 3Bunnies---and i ADORE all of their little guys, so most likely they will be my shelter of choice..
all in all--the bunnies are doing so well, Vegas is just a bundle of love, well-once you get through the fight of getting him out of the cage... and Poker came out to play with Evan the other day..actually, I found Evan trying to rip the cage apart to get inside--so i let them play together.. Evan is doing great--he just said Rabbit, bee, carrot, and his words are becoming more and more clear...
also!!!--pregnancy news may be right around the corner-but im not saying anything yet..hehe..]
finally more busy-ness.time for a break.
my lovely boyfriend and i were discussing a new bunny.
we are definetely hoping for a solid black buck-we will name him Black Jack..dont know why..(we are not gambling addicts either
i recently went to the breeder that Poker came from-and i saw all the dwarf hotots. now i know that Poker is NOT a purebred-he is definetely a mix. but when i asked what kind of mix he was-i was denied an answer.i do not know why. all that i know is that i am dissapointed with the breeders attitude-especially when we became aquaintences after i bought Poker. anyways;;
CHRISTMAS WAS JUST WONDERFUL! i got everything that i wanted, and the boys were thrilled also..
the turtle has been officially moved out only the emptytank remains. i am glad that he is in a better place AND now has another turtle buddy. he was given to my brothers very good friend Suna, and in honor of my brother-she named him Bandit(thats my brothers nickname). here is a picture of the little guy..
it will actually be a half of a room, and the couch will act as a divider betweenhuman space and rabbit space. i cannot wait to clear the porch out-getting rid of the junk that keeps my bunnies confined..the half of the room will not be a "free-roam" area! dividing that one half a section in half again-Pokers hutch will take half, and Vegas' 2 cages will take another half.(the 2 cages will be attached so that way vegas can have plenty of room). in between the 2 sections i am thinking about maybe putting an NIC fence, that way they CAN have free roam. there are no wires and nothing that needs to be bunny proofed, only the space between the couch and wall. i am super excited, i cannot wait to see my buns have all the space they need.
NOW-heres a question that i felt like adding- when i fill up the rabbits' dish with pellets, they eat them within a should i fill it up right away-or should i leave it for a day or 2? basically-how many times a week should i feed the rabbits? they have unlimited amount of hay, 1 carrots and a tiny bit of parsley every week or 2 weeks. i started by feeding them every time the pellets were gone, but someone brought it to my attention that if the rabbits' dish is empty, they leave it for a day and then fill it.
today, Vegas will be getting his blog done from his mommaz(me) point of view.
Vegas has been having a rough few weeks. after trying to decide whether or not we were going to have to sell him. he is going to stay and my allergies are feeling better after cooling the porch down a little bit more-it doesnt seem so stuffy. Peter and i moved his cage to the floor, right next to Pokers new cage, that way they can see each other and maybe get a little bit more used to being close.... he seems pretty happy since i moved his cage around and he is probably more comfortable on the floor where i can just open his cage and he can just jump right out. he is sleeping in his little hideaway now, but he will be back tomorrow with Poker to update his blog-but for now its time for bed.
i will be adding pictures of him and the new cage setup tomorrow
heyy ya'll- Im back now writing forPoker-its been a busy day but for some reason im not tired.
Peter and i have recently been discussing the plans for spring time--and things are looking good for the buns..
i recently just posted a thread about bonding-and how after i get the buns neutered i want to try and bond them, but if that doesnt work i will be getting them each their own bunmate(female)
i would get 2 already altered females that are bonded, that way i would be able to give both males a female, but still have the females together at some points..
anyways-during springtime, after the boys are fixed-i plan on taking this huge fenced in area in my backyard, ripping down the old dog house, putting a roof up, some new fencing, and throwing in some nice hutches and getting myself some buns... now i have the supplies to do this, and the money, and i am very responsible when it comes to all of my pets. after all, i have many horses, a goat, a donkey, 2mini ponies, a bearded dragon, 2 buns, a few chickens, aussie, brittney spaniel, lab, and a few other odd animals oh, and a son and a boyfriend(their the tough ones)..
anyways, my plan lately has been to convert the porch into part human space-half bunny space...and i have been falling back on that plan seeing as the porch is full of junk and ive been so busy-but today-i picked up the fencing from Peter's job, and it looks like the plans are set to begin...
well this is Pokers blog so let me tie him into all of this-Poker will be getting his hutch in a matter of days, and Vegas will be getting the 2 cages, and the room will finally be divided.. Poker also just got a new litter box, and a new hideaway.
Poker is also going to get all pampered up, with a nail trim, and some nice smooth brushing, a little bit of a foot cleaning, and all brand new toys very soon-a nice clean hutch means having a nice clean bun too he seems very thrilled..
Vegas will also be getting pampered up, he will be getting a butt bath, a nail trim, some brushing, and a little bit of a haircut because he seems to be getting quite a few hairs in his poop..
anyways-this is the plan-and i will keep everyone posted