Well-Known Member
quote of the day:
"Silly Hoomin, Litter boxes are for KiTTiES!"
Well, Hello There;;
Well, i don't have much of an introduction to give because many of you have seen some past blogs on my bunnies, and for those who hacen't Poker is my dwarf hotot male. He is about 12-13 weeks old. and my holland lop, 8 week old male is Vegas. I am Hannah. i love both of my bunnies and all of my other animals equally. I plan on keeping a weekly blog on the bunnies(i usually forget to do it each day). let me tell you a little bit more about each of the furkids;;
Poker is my first bunny in sucha long time.(10 years or so). He is such a sweetie and over the past month or so, he has grown to trust me in so many ways. He is the neat bunny. When i give him a treat, he leaves no crumbs, if i move his litter box, he goes straight to it, if a pellet falls from the bowl, he eats it right up. He rushes to the cage door when i approach it. There is not much that he does not like besides being held while walking and the dog. He is a socialbunny. He loves being cuddled with, and enjoys staying up all night so he does not miss a thing. He runs around his cage all day, and all night. He is very hyper, but gentle when taken out and talked to. Heeats right out my hand-he loves cheerios and bananas.He is my "munchkin".
Vegas is my second bunny that i purchased 4 weeks after Poker. He is the crazy mess maker. He refuses to use the litter box. He leaves pee all over the cage, and pellets everywhere. He is the escape artist. Nothing scares him, not even the large coroplast pieces blocking his cage so he does not get out. he jumps up and tips them over, and escapes. He then proceeds to poop in EVERY PAIR OF SHOES. He does not like his food in a bowl(hes flat headed so its in a flat, smaller box lid) so he tips it all over and eats it. oh yeah he POOPS THERE TOO! He is the difficult bunny. I clean his cage everyday top to bottom. I take the coroplast bottom out and wipe it clean. I vaccuum. I replace his hay that he knocks out of the hayrack and pees on. We are working on litter training him, but he REFUSES. He loves hay, anddoes not enjoy snacks like cheerios.He is my "bubba".
i hope everyone looks forward to our future blogs. there will be many more.