Poker and Vegas' CasinO Royale

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
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Brewster, New York, USA


quote of the day:
"Silly Hoomin, Litter boxes are for KiTTiES!"

Well, Hello There;;
Well, i don't have much of an introduction to give because many of you have seen some past blogs on my bunnies, and for those who hacen't
Poker is my dwarf hotot male. He is about 12-13 weeks old. and my holland lop, 8 week old male is Vegas. I am Hannah. i love both of my bunnies and all of my other animals equally. I plan on keeping a weekly blog on the bunnies(i usually forget to do it each day). let me tell you a little bit more about each of the furkids;;

Poker is my first bunny in sucha long time.(10 years or so). He is such a sweetie and over the past month or so, he has grown to trust me in so many ways. He is the neat bunny. When i give him a treat, he leaves no crumbs, if i move his litter box, he goes straight to it, if a pellet falls from the bowl, he eats it right up. He rushes to the cage door when i approach it. There is not much that he does not like besides being held while walking and the dog. He is a socialbunny. He loves being cuddled with, and enjoys staying up all night so he does not miss a thing. He runs around his cage all day, and all night. He is very hyper, but gentle when taken out and talked to. Heeats right out my hand-he loves cheerios and bananas.He is my "munchkin".
Vegas is my second bunny that i purchased 4 weeks after Poker. He is the crazy mess maker. He refuses to use the litter box. He leaves pee all over the cage, and pellets everywhere. He is the escape artist. Nothing scares him, not even the large coroplast pieces blocking his cage so he does not get out. he jumps up and tips them over, and escapes. He then proceeds to poop in EVERY PAIR OF SHOES. He does not like his food in a bowl(hes flat headed so its in a flat, smaller box lid) so he tips it all over and eats it. oh yeah he POOPS THERE TOO! He is the difficult bunny. I clean his cage everyday top to bottom. I take the coroplast bottom out and wipe it clean. I vaccuum. I replace his hay that he knocks out of the hayrack and pees on. We are working on litter training him, but he REFUSES. He loves hay, anddoes not enjoy snacks like cheerios.He is my "bubba".


i hope everyone looks forward to our future blogs. there will be many more.

Great start to this new blog, Hannah! I'm looking forward to more entries and pictures.
hey all, Poker here. todays i spenz all the time in da big NIC cage dat mommy made cuhz Vegas needs to knowz how to use the big bun potty like ME :) . mommy was almose cryin today cuhz she says dat i dun likez her anymorez and dat i dun wantz to be her "munchkin" anymorez. but das NoT TRUE, i iz just all grumpy cuhz im gettin to be a big bun now and i dontz have a girlfriend :(
mommy and daddy and big bruvver evan and vegas and whisper(the dog), elliot(the wizard or lizard, or sumfin), the toowtle(franklin) and ME, we all just gotz our basement finished so mommy says we iz gonna get me a girlfriend when i iz a little bits older. me and my little bruvver Vegas is gonna stays on da porch and mommy is gonna move stuff downstairs. she always changes her head(or iz it mind, i dun know). daddy got hurt today so mommy didnt play wit us, she jusz put us down and we was runnin around, hidin from da doggy. mommy got so angry cuhz i didnt know dhat bruvver was meaning BOY sibling, i just thought dat i was supposed to cawl him-so mommy was mad when i was tryinz to go for a ride and i bits him. mommy thought i was bein yucky-but i was tryin to be a COWBUN! not yucky..whats yucky? she put me in my cage and says -"NO CHEERIOS FOR YOU". she dint even say munchkin :?ufff, okayz everybun, Vegas wants to get on now. BYE.

grrrrr, Poker takes up da whole uhh computer thingy. so today was otay. i miss da big cage but i will get used to it. she iz gonna buy me a big cage, bigger den Pokers cuhz Poker is da small bunny. and i iz not FAT, i havez alotsa fur and im fluffy. :X...Poker was thinkin i iz a horsey or sumfin cuhz he was bein weird. mommy says hes yucky sometimes. oh, Poker awlready sayed dat.oops. i was so scarededed last night cuhz it was so windy. mommy came to check on us to make sure dat we was otay. we was fine, but Poker was thirsty last night and woodent shuh up wit his water bottle. he is my big bruther but he is still annoying. and he is so stoopid, he doesent know whats BRUTHER iz. he is so silly. i waz so mad at Poker cuhz mommy was so sad when Poker ran uhway from her. she called daddy in and says -"Poker is just so angry lately, its that time in his life". i was sad for her. and i was more sad cuhz daddy gots hurt real bad. mommy is takin good care of him like she duz for US. otay everybun(i stoles dat work from Poker) i iz gonna go eats my cheewios, cuhz mommy gave some to ME, not Poker. goodnight.

well, today was certainly a trip. Vegas is driving me to drink with the whole "you-moved-the-litter-box-here-so-let-me-go-to-the-bathroom-over-there" thing. and Poker is just getting so unfriendly. and i understand that he is at that time (13 weeks old) where he just wants a girlbun, but i cant get him one until summer and he is not even ready to start breeding. plus, after the whole loss of the baby, i am so devastated and just want to be with my bunnies, my boyfriend and the baby. i really just like to sit down with the bunnies in my lap and just cry. anyways, Peter got hurt today, he got a screw in his hand-i feel so bad.i am doing the best i can to take care of everyone. i am just so stressed out. well, this is about the bunnies so lets get back to them-Poker is distancing himself slowly, getting nippy with Vegas and scared of me, and Vegas is always very timid, scared to be taken out of his cage.i love the buns to death, they are my little furkids.i plan on waiting to get Vegas spayed before i get Poker a girlbun, and i know people are going to jump on my case about breeding bunnies, but i have a friend that breeds and she will help and we will be fully prepared. oki doke everyone, i am off to get christmas stuff together. i wish Christmas would wait so i could get over this depressing state of mind. but i guess time just isnt in my hands.


the boys for the holidays.
[shadow=black]quote of the day;;[/shadow]
"Mommaz he bits me first!"
"i gotsa big teddy bear!"

Hello everyone, Poker here. i dun haves much times to talk cuz mommaz says i iz grounded until Vegas an I can beez nice bruvvers. but he came in my room and tried to makeses me SO angry, so i bits him and den he bits me and now mommaz mad cuz he hurted his foot and i pulled his hair out. i dint scream though. i was a BIG BUN!!!! but mommaz is more angry at me cuz i shoont start wit him. but grrr he makeses me so mad. anywayz, i gotsa go eat my dinner and den sleep.mommy made my room so neat and cleans today-its not smell like Vegas anymores. bye everyone!!!

hI EVERYONE! wait, hold on *"MOM-POKER PUSHED ME!"* she yelled at him. MUAHAHAHA. anyways, i IZ HERE!! i tink dat all ya'll missed me. i has been real bizzy gettin myself ready for da holidays. dont tell mommaz but i saw what she gettin me for Chrissmaz. i iz so excited. i cant wait. so, lass night Poker bitted me so hard. grrr- i didnt scream eeder cuz i iz also a big bun. mommaz was so angry dat she picked him up and cried. she was angry dat he did dat but she was angry at everyting else too. she says dat what he did just brung out all her feelings. daddy felt so bad. he hugged her and he checked on me to make sure dat i was otay. but now my foot hurts reel bad and mommaz is gonna give me a warm towel so i can snuggle up and get my rest. dont tell Poker cuz he gonna tink dat i iz a little girl, but i like da warm towel cuz den i feel like i iz close to mommaz!!!! anywayz, dis was supposed to be short..hehehe, oopses..i will see ya'll anudder time.



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