Poe is peeing on me!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
Hello Everyone,

Well I have posted many things about Poe and this is just another one for the little terror's collection. Well, I shouldn't say that, he is mostly a delight (apart form his territorial huffs and puffs and his nips and bites here and there).

I started training him a few days ago to come and sit on my lap when he is on my desk. He gets a treat every time he comes on my lap, and then if he reaches up higher and puts his hands up on my chest he gets another bite. I am also teaching him to come to taps on the floor so these are both tied in together. Yesterday and today though, whenever he sits on my lap to either get a treat, or comes to sit there because he thinks he will get a treat and I don't have a treat, he pees on me! WHY POE WHY!?

Is he marking me as his territory!? I have noticed last night and today he has been peeing in places he really likes such as our couch and on top of his cage on the blanket that covers it. I put puppy pads down in both those places and sit them there until he goes into his hutch when I am out/asleep and he pees there about 4 -5 times all in the one spot! Is that another form is marking his territory too?

Why oh why is this happening!? And how did I get the most most testosterone /manly/sexually frustrated rabbit in existence? :vacuum::banghead:pullhair:

Hi is Poe Neutered? That should help.

My Bridge bunny Buttercup would lay/sit on me.Once in a while he just up and peed on me. Sometimes i noticed he get a little rambunctious, that's when i should have put him down to go to his litterbox.

Just make sure he has used his litterbox before you pick him up.

Good Luck

He has been neutered 6 days ago and still has his stitches in. I wouldn't call him toilet trained... he seems to use the pads when he feels like it and then anywhere else as well! I've been told though not to worry for a while because it may still just be a hormones thing, but this peeing on me business is a whole new problem! Plus he isn't the kind of bunny that you can just pick up and sit in a little box and he will stay there. He is an explorer and always moving that is for sure! So that has been a tough thing in regards to litter training him too :(

Bunny pee for all sorts of reasons. Piss on you, no treat, what do you think of that. In some rabbits it is a type of small tantrum to let you know that they are not happy with you. I agree with Larry, it takes time for the horomones to leave. May sure he has some fresh hay everyday in his litter box to encourage him to use it. Some rabbits take more time to litter train.
Give it time. Natasha peed on me, or next to me, for about four months after she came to live with me. I wound up putting towels over plastic bags on the couch and my computer chair to avoid having it soak in, and I had to change my clothes more often than really necessary. You can read about our experience inher first blog.

I'm sure it was some sort of marking or bid for attention brought on by insecurity after her re-homing. As she became more comfortable and secure, the peeing died down, and once she decided she was home for good, that was that.