Poe has been fixed!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
Hi Everyone,

Finally the boy has been fixed. I am very happy because he has had a few little bouts of aggression, but now I'm not sure if I have done the right thing - He seems to not know who I am! He had his little surgery last night at around 8pm, and it is not 9.45am in the morning. I nursed him for a few ours after the surgery and then when we got home put him straight into his house where he slept all night. This morning though, he was reluctant to come out of his cage and doesn't seem to want to be around me much at all. He usually lays right next to me on my desk but now won't even do a bunny flop :(

Has he forgotten me/hates me for doing this to him or is he just confused because there is suddenly a little nude path on him that hurts? I am just SO frustrated! We had made SO much ground - he was even letting me pet him on the floor a little bit and was keen to lay even closer to me and now it's like we just got him :(
You did the right thing. He just had the surgery so he is a bit out of sorts. Just let him relax for a couple a days. Be there like you have been, talking to him, or just being there. He will come around.

I know I thought the same thing. All that work trying to gain their trust and it was out the window because of a surgery. It's not. Really.

Give him a bit of time. He's probably sore. Did the Vet give you some pain med. My boys had it for three days. In a weeks time, it was like it never happened.

K :)
Ahh well that sounds like fantastic news! I know it hasn't been long, but I was just so worried he had changed his attitude so quickly to me that it might stick around! I know in the end it is the best for him. Finally he won't have all these angry hormones floating around that make him want to charge! :p

We didn't get any pain meds, but he only had 3 stitches in total and our last bunny she did didn't need any pain medication so hopefully he will be okay. I will keep an eye on him though.

Thanks again for the advice! :D
Yeah he definitely hasnt forgotten about you. It really does take animals a while to bounce back. He is just feeling weird.

When I got my big dog spayed she was really really out of sorts for quite a while. She would hardly greet me and didnt try to guard the yard or anything. It was scary, but after a few days she totally bounced back.
He seems to be getting much better now. He is even back to his normal paper shredding self and much more lively. He just ate a huge amount of grassy hay too, so he must be feeling much better :D

Do the animals feel a drastic change over the next few days in their hormones, or is is something they don't notice and just feel... calmer? :p

I hope he doesnt blame me for his sore parts though! :(
Glad to hear that the surgery went well and that he's feeling better.

I think it's the luck of the draw. So, I guess it depends on how hormonal they were before the surgery.

Mr Moo and Mr Poo were already fixed when I got them. Mr Bighead and Missypants were the only rabbits I had to fix. Mr Bighead's behaviour stayed exactly the same (easily excited, happy-go-lucky, vocal bunny); and Missypants calmed down a little (decrease in digging time and no more humping stuffed bunny).
It can take 4-6 weeks for his hormones to completely disappear. Like when they started to appear, they won't show up all at once. Some days he'll seem really hormonal, other days totally not. Then one day you'll just realize that it's been a long time since he's had any hormonal days. :)

It's been a few days now, but I probably wouldn't have let him out of his cage for at least the first 24-48 hours. You need to let the incision heal. The last thing you want is him tearing it open. :(

Give him a few days and once the pain is gone and the memory of the vet trip, etc. starts to fade, he should be back to his usual self. Give him lots of nose rubs and few of his favourite treats and he should start to respond.

Hope that helps!

He is definitely back to his normal self now! He is happier than ever - Never seen so many sky high hyper jumps in the air from him before! / Binkies :p

His cage is so small (when small in my eyes anyway), I just couldn't bare to keep him locked up. His stitches look great though even though he hasn't been as calm as I would have hoped and wanting to explore more than ever! The study where he gets let out though is quite small, and our last bunny who got nurtured had a play pen the same size as it when he got fixed and he was totally fine :D

He hasn't been too bad, no bites! A few little nips but nothing like what he was doing. I'm also making sure that if he is huffy and puffy I'm not forcing anything with him and either picking him up to cuddle him or just telling him 'No' and he just does his thing.

I love him so much!:bunnyhug::bunnyheart

So glad to hear of his speedy recovery. I know I'll be getting Abby fixed soon. I'm just trying to time it to when I can get a few days off work to be with her. Did anyone find that their bunny tried to irritate their stitches? That's what I'm most worried about considering their curious nature...
So far Poe has veen fine. I have seen him licking down there a bit, but I have checked every day since the operation and there is no sign of infection or irritation - it all seems to be healing very well! It was the same with our other bun Dudley, he just acted like it never happened and we had no problems! :D

I hope your bunnies have a speedy recovery! You feel so bad when you're doing it, but in the end it is the best for them as well as us :p
