Well, I looked over a list of safe and unsafe foods for rabbits and other than plum leaves are not good for them, I found nothing about the fruit itself. Can rabbits eat the fruit? Of course only a small amount.
We were told to keep all stone fruits (ones with pits--peaches, apricots et. al.) away as the pits are definitely poison. Don't know about the fruit itself, just avoided the whole thing.
It's the pits that are poisonous. They contain a compound that when it mixes with the stomach acid turns into cyanide!The fruit is perfectly fine. If you choose to feed your bunny plums (or peaches or apricots or cherries, etc. please remove the pit.
Hmmmm yes definately not the pit. If I won't eat it not going to feed that part to the bunny. haha. Yeah I ended up getting a lot of plums from a coworker. Looks like I'll be eating plums haha.