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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
, Louisiana, USA
go there. open it in a new tab, whatever. just go there! thats all you have to do is go there and leave it open. turn the volume down on it so you dont have to hear it, just leave the page open. we're trying to raise his viewer count. just please please go there.
GoinBackToCali wrote:
Uh... why?

An explanation would be splendid..

ok, i clicked it(my good deed for the day:cool:)..................NOW TELL ME WHAT IT IS!

oh, and i agree with you fully, Zin:biggrin2:
GoinBackToCali wrote:
Uh... why?

An explanation would be splendid..'s Tom Green...I don't think one can explain him! :p

I caught him a few times on a local cable channel here in Ottawa when he was just starting out...that man will do anything. In one show he had taken his father's car and secretly *pimped* it...I think he had written 'wh***mobile' and things like that all over it. His poor dad, who held a rather respectable job here, wound up having to drive this thing to work. Tom had also once picked up a dead pigeon that he found (I know...eww) and started following people about, holding the bird out and saying he thought it was theirs. He followed one poor girl into the bank and kept holding the dead bird out to her, saying something like 'I'm sure this is yours...I saw you drop it' in a loud voice - until he got tossed out to the street.

I often wonder what his poor parents went through, raising this guy... :biggrin2:
Oh I know who Tom Green is... I just wanna know why promote anything he does...

He's a catawampuss mess...


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