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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2012
Reaction score
, Maine, USA
Would you guys please post pics of NIC condos that have a divider in it for 2 bunnies. Maybe with an xpen built on the side? If anyone has pics, that would be greatly appreciated!
I don't have mine split in half, 'cause it's only 2Wx3L... however, I have it set up so that the bottom level has no direct connection to the upper levels and the entrances to the first floor/second floor are on different sides of the condo.

right now their run is one big pen connected to the front left and back right corners of the condo, but in the event my bunnies need to be separated before their spay date, all I have to do is take apart the run (made of two playpens) and attach one playpen at the two front corners (so that it has access to the lower level only) and the other pen to the two right-hand corners (so that it only has access to the second floor)


Thats really cool. I love the cage and the playpen looks good. did you just use cable ties to attach it?
yup... zip-ties solve everything, lol... and the two playpens combined plus the condo weren't quite big enough to cover the tarp, so I used two NIC grids to make an extra panel to put at the end of one of the playpens.
haha thanks! i decided to not do the xpen thing because i made the cage a lot bigger than we were planning, but it still worked out!
that works too, lol. I used the pens to make a 70 square foot or so run for them because mine don't get "out of the cage" time due to not being fully potty trained and the house not being bunny-proofed (the living room, little parlor area, dining room and kitchen are all open to each other due to a wall being removed before we moved in and there's a baby grand piano where the wall used to be, so it would be pretty much impossible to use baby gates to confine them to a room).

This was the first stage of their cage they have now. They were not bonded and the male had not been neutered yet so we had to keep them separated.
thanks for the pic, and would you mind telling me what you used for that ramp? i need at least 2 ramps :)
That looks to me like rabbit floor wire, which is .5"x1". You probably will not need a ramp though. Most rabbits can jump up to a shelf easily. I was worried that my rabbits would not be able to so I made the shelf height just shy of the top of 1 pannel.

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