Aww...poor thing...that must have been terrifying!
I had a man approach me when I was about twelve, talking with me as I walked with my bike. I had gone to the park with my mother and a friend, and my friend and I had gotten into an argument, and she took I was walking to where I knew we'd parked to meet back up with my mom after she was done jogging. Well, the guy was "jogging", and slowed down to walk with me...asking weird questions, and such. I was so young at the time, I thought he was just being friendly, and I was bored, so having someone to talk to was nice. My mother came jogging up behind us, on her way back to the car as well, saw the guy, yelled my name, and the guy TOOK OFF.
To this day, I'm convinced he was considering jogging back with me to the parking lot, and possibly then kidnapping me when we got to his car, or something along those lines. Why else would he have run off when he saw my mother? Any other man, who was talking to a young lady under honest pretences (making sure I was okay and safe until my mother came along) would've hung around to let her know it was okay, that he was just making sure I got there okay, etc. But he was GONE by the time my mother caught up to us!
Yeah...kidnapping is always on the forefront of my mind. Danny laughs occassionally when I get "paranoid" with Em...and then I remind him how close to home the idea is to me, and he understands why I'm like that.
I can't imagine what would've happened to me had my mother not caught up to us on that section of the park...but boy am I glad she did...
I'm really happy that your daughter's friend is okay...and of course, that your daughter is, too! What a scary experience that must've been for them...and for you and her friend's mother! Just feels like you can't trust the world sometimes, doesn't it?