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New Member
Mar 11, 2017
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Hi, I have a female rabbit that is having a small amount of thick yellow discharge, coming out of her back end. As well as that it is very dry and flaky, around that area. I have seen a few vets with little results, but other then that she seems happy and healthy. I just don't know what to do now
Are you saying you've already taken her to the vet(s) for this problem? If so, what was the diagnosis given by them, what specific treatments/meds did they prescribe, and how many days were the meds given? Did you see no improvement at all?

Is the yellow substance fecal matter or urine? Is your rabbit continuing to eat and drink normally? Is it the skin that is dry and flaky? Do there appear to be any lesions on the skin?

If you have any pictures of the discharge and flaky area, that can help in determining what might be going on.
Same questions than JBun ^^.
When you say there is a yellow discharge, do you mean that it coats the poops? And is it white-ish yellow or does it look like a gel?
Flaky skin around the genitals can indicate a number of things including syphilis, parasites, fungus...
Also, is your bunny spayed? Because if she is not and that the pus is actually coming from the vulva, it can be the sign of a pyometra or another infection of the uterus.