Please help. Pathology VS Behavior?!

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Sep 8, 2013
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Hi everyone.
I pray you can help us!
Our Crambone, fixed, male, almost 1 year old, 15lb French lop in-house only rabbit child has had problems with his urination since August 1st.

Began with him spraying outside of litter box (previously only once a month of less). Took to his vet who knows him well (exotic specialty). She gave 7 days of Baytril and 2 doses per protocol of Panacur (in case of worms, he had been dewormed last fall).

Began spraying again at the end of August. Got so bad he would urinate (possible incontinence?) and they lie/roll in it. Got urine scald. He tried to lick it off, he excoriated his skin. Dr. put him on 14 days (today is day 9) of TMP-SMX and a few doses of Metacam (done now) and she recommended Desitin and frequent butt baths. I cried while we shaved him. His fur is growing back and his skin is now crusted over.

He's spraying again. Considered litter box needed more frequent cleaning, with no luck. He has urinated 2x already today right NEXT to his box.
He is eating like a dream; gets oxbow timothy hay, fresh romaine/parsley/basil, loves apples & bananas. He has free time daily and has toys in his pen (balls, TP rolls stuffed with hay, a phone book, hay rack).
Urine is milky yellow, as usual. Poopers are nicely formed and typical.

He hasn't been biting. No fever. Ears are clean. Water is fresh, available, and he is drinking.

WHAT GIVES? Can anyone offer assistance? Please?

Could he need a sister to bond with him?
Our most sincerest thanks,
Marisa & Jason - Crambone's Parents

"some people have human children, others have rabbit children"
Hi just read your post I think I had something similar I put a post last week 'Oscar and pannacur ' think its in the health section lots if people gave advice. Did the vet offer Ang steroid cream? We got fuseden and it really helped the skin
Is it actual spraying, like an intact buck would do, or is it peeing accidents and/or dribbling urine?

If he is actually whipping his butt around and spraying out with his urine, that would indicate hormonal and marking behavior. I know you said he is neutered, so maybe possible some of his bits were missed?

If it is dribbling and peeing accidents, that would indicate a urinary problem. Common causes are a UTI and bladder sludge/stones. Other less common causes would be the parasite e. cuniculi causing kidney or hind limb problems causing the urine problems, kidney issues unrelated to e. cuniculi causing urine problems, a mass of some sort causing urine problems. Has your vet done any tests, like a blood test, EC titer, xrays, or urine test to check for any of these things?

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