Please Help Name This Bunny

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Jun 28, 2005
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Hi! I'm new here and tobunnies. I just got this bunny 6 days ago when her ownerdidnt want her anymore. She's only about 3 monthsold. (I'm pretty sure she's a female anyway!)

Personality: She's bolder than bold, is not afraid of us oranything else. She'll jump right on the couch and into yourlap. She's very destructive (typical baby?). She'salso very hyper and very loving. She gives me bunny kissesand dances around me.

I'm terrible at names and I really would appreciate any help.I think I'd prefer a people-type name, but I'm really open tosuggestions.

Thank you so much!


I've always liked the name Avery, and it was the first name I thought of when I saw her.
Alana which means beautiful in irish she is such a beautiful little rabbit!!
Here's a list of the top baby names for girlsfrom 1890. I always like looking back at those, and they're niceold-fashioned "people" names that I feel sometimes go great forbunnies. I have a Harold and a Judy myself.Mary, Anna, Elizabeth,Margaret (Maggie is always nice), Emma, Rose, Ethel, Florence, Ida,Bertha, and Ellen. I think she may look like a Florence to me.
Thank you everyone so much for all the fantastic suggestions!

I've named her Calamity. As in Calamity Jane or maybe Calliefor short. She's a real pretty girl and some very cute nameshave been suggested, but I was hoping to find one that also describedher personality and situation. Seeing as she creates a wake ofdestruction wherever she goes AND seems to screw up some of her jumps(like hopping into a corner that is too small or slipping off thecouch), Calamity is perfect!

What do you think?

Thanks again!
You know, I really thought I had the namesettled. Now that I am trying to implement it however, it'snot quite fitting. The nickname is whats gettingme. I tried Callie or Cammy or CJ....none seem to do it.

I guess I'm back to the drawing board. I dont know why naming is so tough for me!

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