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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2008
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The Queen City!, North Carolina, USA
Gixxer is a purebred mini rex that we adopted from the shelter when he was about 3 months old. I always wondered if he may have been a cull from a breeder but could not figure out why. Well, a few weeks ago we noticed that he has a deformed toe and that his nail curves inside towards his foot pad. We've only just started cutting their nails on our own, hence why I never saw it before (bad bunny mom!). Before that I took them to Petsmart but no one ever pointed this out to me. The nail is cut down as far as we can go, it appears to have a very large quick. It is not digging into his pad, more like laying across it. He doesn't favor that foot and it does not seem to bother him at all. Have any of you seen this before? When he goes in for his next check-up I'm going to ask the vet if we should have this nail removed before it can cause problems, what do you guys think?


It could just be broken or deformed. That may be the reason why the previous breeder may have culled him. I don't think there's to worry about, personally. If it's broken it's more than likely grown to stick in that position, although if you want the vet to remove it, that might be a good idea as well.

It doesn't look deformed to me, just too long. Just keep trimming it down a little a week and the quick should recede. The bare spots on his toes may need to be treated. He looks like he has a little bit of fungus going on.

RAL Rabbitry wrote:
It doesn't look deformed to me, just too long. Just keep trimming it down a little a week and the quick should recede. The bare spots on his toes may need to be treated. He looks like he has a little bit of fungus going on.


Funny thing is that the nail on the other paw grows straight out where I can cut it and this one grows in, it's very difficult to get the clippers in there to cut it. I'll keep trimming it bit by bit each week. I had no idea that a quick could recede, thanks!! As for the fungus, are you talking about the pink on his pads? Oh dear, I thought that the pink was normal since it was soft and he doesn't have a lot of foot fur. His pink pads show up on all 4 feet. What would you recommend for fungal treatment?

Bo & Whaley....LOL! I didn't even realize that I got the teeth in this pic!
Is that the front or back foot? If it's the front foot, it appears to be the dewclaw curving in. It's possible that injury could have altered the growth pattern.

It is his front foot. My BF and I called it the dewclaw, but we didn't know if that was the proper term. It does not seem to hurt him and we will keep it cut as close as we can. Should we discuss removal with the vet or will monitoring and cutting do the trick?
I would just continue to monitor and cut rather than attempt painful surgery, unless the condition itself becomes painful.

I have seen Mini Rex with sharply curved dew claws that went under the foot. Not sure if it was from injury or born that way. As Pam said, if you can manage to clipit short and keep it short, it won't be a problem for the rabbit.
Okay, I'll keep my eye on it and keep it as short as I can. So far it doesn't seem to bother him & I really don't want to put him through surgery unless it's very necessary. I appreciate the advice everyone!

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