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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Queens, New York, USA
I'm building a playland for Rice and Beans whileim here in CT. Any ideas? I remember a thread whereppl were posting pics of their playlands and there was this one inparticular that i remember. It was huge boxes, with threelevels, and toilet paper tubes dangling, etc. Does anyoneremember? Can you provide a link to that thread?Thanks!!
Instead of making another thread of mine about cages aka playlands I'll ask a question in your thread. :)
Are these "playlands" that you can build easy to take apart andclean? I don't want to have to crawl inside them to cleanthem 'cause even at the biggest they're small forme. Or is it a huge chore?

I remember when I had to clean out Smelly's hutches I'd just drag themacross the yard and spray them with a hose for a while and let them drylol. Plus it was huge and I could climb inside thethings. Real easy to clean.


Naturestee had an awesome one, although I couldonly find the picture/decription in her blog, not an actual post sayinghow she made it ect. Here's what I found from her blog. You could maybePM her to learn more about it? :)

The bunny playground 2000


Yes sir this thing has it all:
Hay tube columns, two bunny dig boxes, a vertical hay filled tube, abunny abacus, rabbit cubicles, post it note wall papering, threeseperate dangle toys, a mini-maze, wall mounted notebook (open ofcourse), And three levels of rabbit enjoyment. This baby hasit all and not a penny was spent because all materials are bunny safeand found within the house. Lets hear it for innovation.

Is this the one you were looking for?

Here's the link to her blog

Smelly- it's all up to you. These are usually costume built soyou can build them as big or small as you'd like :). It's takescreativity to be a bunny parent, that's for sure! ;)

Boy did the bunnies ever love that! Ittook them forever to destroy it and they really worked at it.The big box in the bottom had three layers of cardboard layed down soit took them much longer to dig through. They were so upsetwhen I threw the last bits out that I actually wrote a eulogy forit.:rip

Oh, and check out the soda box maze that's also on the first page of myhome thread. I would hide handfuls of hay and chew toys init. That was another big favorite.

I need to build them something like those again. Okay, Jamesdid everything for the Playground.;) But they've pretty muchdestroyed their current box toy and they're pretty bored with it.

Tego, this would be another good thread:
Homemade Rabbit Toys

I've also seen people use plastic toddler playground equipment such asslides, steps, and tubes in bunny playgrounds. You'resupposed to be able to find them cheap at garage sales, but I don'tthink that's a popular item in my area.

Oh I misunderstood this a bit. :D

I was thinking of their living area. Whoops! I can build one of these Playlands any day.
Spring wrote:
Naturestee had an awesome one, although I could only findthe picture/decription in her blog, not an actual post saying how shemade it ect. Here's what I found from her blog. You could maybe PM herto learn more about it? :)

The bunny playground 2000


Yes sir this thing has it all:
Hay tube columns, two bunny dig boxes, a vertical hay filled tube, abunny abacus, rabbit cubicles, post it note wall papering, threeseperate dangle toys, a mini-maze, wall mounted notebook (open ofcourse), And three levels of rabbit enjoyment. This baby hasit all and not a penny was spent because all materials are bunny safeand found within the house. Lets hear it for innovation.

Is this the one you were looking for?

Here's the link to her blog

Smelly- it's all up to you. These are usually costume built soyou can build them as big or small as you'd like :). It's takescreativity to be a bunny parent, that's for sure! ;)

That's the one i was talking about!!

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