Playing rough

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bubville, , USA
Anyone else noticed that their boys like to play rough?

The girls (and I include Fenwick in that number :p) like gentle scratchies and people that move quietly and talk softly.

But with Bub....I tug his ears, smush his face, rumple his fur, grabhis feet, shove him over, growl at him, yell for him....and he LOVESit. He thinks it's so fun to play Rosie-wrestling games, just like apuppy. The more rough and full-body contact, the more fun he has. Henever sits and cuddles!

Is it just my boy, or does anyone else have a little wild man?

I'd like to say that Apollo is like thatbut...Apollo is like a pillow with ears. He really doesn't care what wedo to him lol. Except he has a truck he stole from Jeremy that he can'tstand and he beats the tar out of it whenever he sees it. Maybe it is aboy

I've noticed that as well. Harold enjoys "toughlove" where Judy just likes to be pampered. Harold will run in and outof my feet as I'm walking and get quite jostled, but he always comesback for more. Judy prefers attention in a quiet corner of the floor.She will follow me around at a distance, but never in the brash wayHarold does. Harold is rough and tumble and Judy is a prim lady. :)

Here's Harold attacking a paper bag as only a boy could:

"Die, bag!"
It seems to be the other way with my two. Perryis the sweet little 'gently rub my nose and ears' guy, while Pernodlets me know in no uncertain terms that she wants to be 'rumpled' onthe cheeks and ears. And if I don't do it straight away, I get mauledto pieces :X;) - Jan
They're all different. :D

I thought of it today when Bub was standing on my arm and I was pullinghis head around by the ears and growling at him. Izzy wouldn't thinkthat's a fun game, but he sure does. What a weird boy.

(Note to new bunny owners: don't try the ear game athome.:pBeing "rough" with rabbits is still pretty gentlecompared to how you'd treat other animals. And the games youplay with a 10 lb. tough young male are different than with a fragiledwarf or small lop. ;))

I should get pics soon.

I can play "rough" with my boys. I find that they love to be pet behind the ears vigrorously and actually prefer it.
Vash actually likes to play rough withme. He will grabfabric with his teeth and play tugof war. He also likes it when I push him orruff upthe hair on his cheeks (face).
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about!! I don't letBub get into the tug-of-war (I push his head down into the "submission"pose) because I don't want holes in my shirt! But the rumpling andpushing and shoving....he loves that!

I should stop typing...messed up a nerve in my finger playing violinand it hurts like mad when I touch's the string player'scurse, but luckily it goes away in a day or so!

G'night all!


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