Planting Your Rabbit's Garden

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When we moved into our new house we had mintcover the whole concrete porch!! I had grown from one spot out of thegarden on the back. We dug it up and planted a little bit of it in thefront, gave some to the bunnies, and killed of the rest. Now we havejust enough for the bunnies only! We have strawberries, carrots,cantoloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, dandelions, and we are planning ongetting some herbs but my mom is mad that the cheapest ones we can findare 1.25 each! Which, after picking out everything I want for thebunnies, came to a total of about $12.00.
I guess I will just gradually dig most of it upand transplant it to other areas and then put a barrier around the mintin theherb bed so it won't take over. It will benice having something minty smelling around the house though.

Do chickens like mint?
Has anyone thoughtof planting Watercress? I justfound out my silly crew love it, I like it in salads becauseit has a mild peppery taste , Iam going to add it just as soonas i know what itsrequirements for soil are .
I tried growing watercress in a jar ofwater. I heard about that on some tv show. Itdidn't work too well for me and Mocha didn't like it anyway.He gets really particular.
A bunny already ate some leaves off one of my pepper plants! And I didn't even plant them in the garden yet!

It's okay. I know his name and where he lives!:bunnydance:
Its not something the bunnies can eat but I havejust planted a Eastern Red Bud, a Peach Tree,a Silver Maple,and a Magnolia tree outside. I am hoping the Maple will give off goodshade once it starts growing and the peach tree will give off yummyfruit. We are also going to start a garden, but first thing first.Rabbitry!!
I have a bunch of seedlings in the window, andmost are ready to trasplant into bigger pots! I have carrots,a bunch of different types of lettuce, two kinds of parsley, red andyellow beets, basil, aaaand... I think that's it. I plan onover-fertilising the beets and carrots, as that shrinks the root partand makes the leaf part grow. These plants will live on mydesk, and if I can get them to, I'll have them grow throughout thewinter and provide the buns with a variety!

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