Planting Your Rabbit's Garden

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Thanks, Jim! I think burying the fence will bethe first move this year, although it might be difficult. We found outwhen we dug the garden why they call this "Rockland" county!:p

The mothballs are a good idea, too. I'll give those a try.
The first time I put in a fence like that was when my sister wanted a dog run along the side of my uncle's barn.

I know what you mean with the stones and rocks!

We first dug the trench to bury the fence all the way around. Then wemeasured out where to dig the post-holes. Sometime in the past theremust have been a fence there and it was removed. When they took theposts out they filled the holes with stones and rocks...most of themabout the size of a softball.

8 out of 10 of the new posts ended up being right in the same places.We even shifted a couple of positions before we dug. I guess that's whyit wasn't 10 for 10.

And we were using a manual post-hole digger.

I read this in a book about caring for meatrabbits,:X, that you can use their poop as fertilizer... It works goodif you soak it first. I will read more about it and post it later.


P.s. I do not raise meat rabbits, I bought the book and after reading it realized it was about how to raise meat rabbits:)
* bump *

This is such a wonderful thread that I had to bump it up once again.

I plan to plant a garden for my Sherman when I get to my new place.

We are hoping to move house (if contracts get through the solicitor ok)and the one thing I said I wanted was to try and plant a garden. So theinfo on this post is very helpful!

I'll no doubt come back and re-read this one over and over.

Thanks for starting it Carolyn :)
* bumping this most excellent thread as I'm preparing His Majesty's royal garden even as we type * :D
""...If you know of anyone who has comfrey intheir garden, beg them for a piece as I haven't had any luck finding itin nurseries. The tender leaves can be cooked and eaten like spinach,but every part of the plant can be eaten, and you will see your rabbitsrapidly confirm this. Comfrey's common name is knit-bone, as it spreadshealing of broken bones, but it also works on lung ailments, urinarytract disorders, diarrhea, digestive disorders, hemorroids, ulcers andskin and coat conditions."""

I have comfrey in my garden , one needsto be very carefull withthis herb , it was once used toheal broken bones , either in atea or as a compress , BUT! it canalso be lethel if takenin too large a quantity or ifmiss used . just an FYI.

this is the newest on comfrey
So far we don't have much planted, we havecarrots, strawberrys, cantoloupe, green beans, tomatoes, and cabbage.Oh, we also have Bell peppers! I don't think they will like anythingbut the carrots, but we have plenty of dandelions and we are going toplant some herbs. We also have watermelon, and pumpkin.
This is a VERY intresting topic. Every year Iplant a 'dog safe' garden, meaning the ONLY plants that are planted onmy property is safe for dogs to eat... As you see my dog LOVES fruitsand vegetalbes... he's a little different! LOL!:DLast year wemade an attempt at planting a vegetalbe garden, and had huge sucess,this year I think i'd like to add some 'rabbit frieindly' herbs andveggies to the garden.

I guess my question would be, what should I plant? What have you all planted, and with what sucess have you had?

I also am going to start early in the house, with the little green houses you get from Walmart.

Any suggestions please,

Has anyone ever planted dandelions?They grow in my yard and actually my mom's fiance has a pot in whichthey randomly grow. I'm wondering if I could plant them in apot and then bring them inside in the winter and keep them growingunder a plant light? I would have to plant them because thepot at my mom's is falling apart.

I bet that would work fine... But be carefullbecause I have heard if you feed this food to often you can poison yourbunny. Just read that and thought I would mention this. I wonder if youcould freeze the dandelions, like pick them and them freeze them in aplastic bag.
I'd really like to take Tiny to the producesection of Walmart and let him tell me what to plant....but I don'tthink that will happen.

Based upon what my bunnies have been eating lately - we're plantingRomaine lettuce and the dark green lettuce, parsley (lots of parsley),cilantro, some collards and kale and I'd like to do some mint becausemy buns like that - but I only gave them a tiny bit. I needto look at the list of what is recommended again to see what to add tothe list.

Now if I could only train Tiny to do the weeding for me.....I'd be all set.

Tiny's Mom
TinysMom wrote:
Now if I could only train Tiny to do the weeding for me.....I'd be all set.

Tiny's Mom
No exactly what you mean!! Hate doing the weeding, orthe dirty stuff! But heck my sister is always there (she loves to digin the dirt)!
Hey, just thought I'd bump this post up for others who may be thinking about planting gardens.

I am planting a garden for me, the bunny, and chickens. Onebed already hassome peppermint, chives, arugula, lettuces,parsley, and tomato. Oh, will also have some peppers, corn,squash, zucchini, peas, carrots, and sunflowersin a largebed. This does not include flowers and shrubs to be plantedeither.

Anyone else?
Carefull with planingMint be sure you have it where youactually want it forever , itWILL takeover your garden and its a OITAtoget rid of , all it takes isone spore to set it to growingagain , usually when planting mint the best placefor it is on a hill side whereit can run free so tospeak , i had one plant and it took overthe garden so fast i had to move other plants out of there .
Oh no. Are you serious?:( Ijust made a kind of herb and salad bed and planted the peppermint onone side and the lettuce, arugula,parsley, and chives on the other sidewith a tomato plant in the middle and daffodils in the back.Do you think it will choke out the other plants?
Yes eventually itwill , by the end of the growing seasonyour going to find it has managed toeither double or triple in size , I wouldsuggest getting it moved now beforeit really gets hold , areally good place to put itsomewhere where you can enjoythe smell and thepretty tiny flower stalks it will put upat or about september , Mint isa vine , it will travel where ever it can. it also grows underground , making irradicatingit nearly impossable , BUT do have itplanted but somewhere other thanin the garden , Bee's love it, Mint also is benificial toall bees , what it doesis keep Varora mites and thoraxmites down , they cant standtheoil Mint produces , itsmothers them . Plus with Mintin a domesticated hive you geta gourmet Honey which hassubtle hints of mint, Very tasty . Asuggestion also for yourherb gardens , Thymes , lemon ,grey, old fashion curley thyme ,verigated thymes also , its a wonderfullattractant for bees which inturn pollinate your vegitables. If youhave a Bee friendly garden youwill notice you yeilds willbe subsatntually higher thana garen with out them,

I learned all this from having my ownhives , There is nothingtastier than a honey that hasa subtle taste of thyme , or mint, plus dont forget theypollenate most other flowering trees andshrubs, and the dandilions esspecially, which also makes for a great tastinghoney, lol i think i need off the honey kick lol

Shoot i forgot to mention whenMint has been planted for more than a yearit can grow as tall at 4 ft high . someof the branches will lay downand the more a stalkis on the ground themore roots it sends out , a1 inch piece of mint will grow 2 ftof vine .

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