Yes eventually itwill , by the end of the growing seasonyour going to find it has managed toeither double or triple in size , I wouldsuggest getting it moved now beforeit really gets hold , areally good place to put itsomewhere where you can enjoythe smell and thepretty tiny flower stalks it will put upat or about september , Mint isa vine , it will travel where ever it can. it also grows underground , making irradicatingit nearly impossable , BUT do have itplanted but somewhere other thanin the garden , Bee's love it, Mint also is benificial toall bees , what it doesis keep Varora mites and thoraxmites down , they cant standtheoil Mint produces , itsmothers them . Plus with Mintin a domesticated hive you geta gourmet Honey which hassubtle hints of mint, Very tasty . Asuggestion also for yourherb gardens , Thymes , lemon ,grey, old fashion curley thyme ,verigated thymes also , its a wonderfullattractant for bees which inturn pollinate your vegitables. If youhave a Bee friendly garden youwill notice you yeilds willbe subsatntually higher thana garen with out them,
I learned all this from having my ownhives , There is nothingtastier than a honey that hasa subtle taste of thyme , or mint, plus dont forget theypollenate most other flowering trees andshrubs, and the dandilions esspecially, which also makes for a great tastinghoney, lol i think i need off the honey kick lol
Shoot i forgot to mention whenMint has been planted for more than a yearit can grow as tall at 4 ft high . someof the branches will lay downand the more a stalkis on the ground themore roots it sends out , a1 inch piece of mint will grow 2 ftof vine .