Planting Your Rabbit's Garden

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Mar 4, 2004
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Hope I'm not stepping on Raspberry's feet, butfolks started to discuss gardens in her post about keeping greensfresh.

Thought it a good idea to get some of your ideas on what you'll beplanting in your garden for your rabbits. So often we hear ofthe things to plant to keep the rabbits out of thegarden,wouldn't it be refreshing to hear about the things wecan plant for them in the garden?

I posted this note below inRaspberry'sthread. Any ideas you have would be greatlyappreciated. Not all of us have a 'green thumb', so yougardeners out there that do, we'd love to hear from you and give ussome pointers.

In the Rabbits Only[/b] Mar-April 2001 magazine, there's an article entitled "Planning Your Rabbit's Garden", it says:

"...The Calendula officinalis will love this fertile soil. Alsoknown as pot marigold, the calendula can be used fresh or dried for thewinter, and you can add it to your pet's food whole or powdered.Calendula serves as a blood cleanser, and is used for gastrointestinaldisorders, stomach cramps, ulcers, inflammation of the large intestine,fluid retention, liver disorders, and worms. It is also recommended forchronic swelling of the salivary glands.

...If you know of anyone who has comfrey in their garden, beg them fora piece as I haven't had any luck finding it in nurseries. The tenderleaves can be cooked and eaten like spinach, but every part of theplant can be eaten, and you will see your rabbits rapidly confirm this.Comfrey's common name is knit-bone, as it spreads healing of brokenbones, but it also works on lung ailments, urinary tract disorders,diarrhea, digestive disorders, hemorroids, ulcers and skin and coatconditions."

* * * * * *

I copied this over my note in "Preventing Cancer". Thoughtit's something to keep in mind if you have the room.

The herb cilantro will help flush out heavy metals like lead, aluminum,and mercury. Dandelions is one of the most de-toxing herbs inthe world, it is said. Some cultures will add dandelionleaves and flowers to their salad or tea each spring to rid of theimpurities that have accumulated over the winter.


Dandelions are great. And I don't need to plantthem. They grow like crazy all over my property. I don't use anychemicals on the lawn so I can count on them being safe for the buns.If I gotta pick them anyway, I might as well make good use of them!

You should see their faces when I walk in with a big handful of freshlypicked dandylions..."Oh boy...Daddy's been pickin stuff from the yardagain!!!!"

I didn't know marigolds were ok. I always have bunches of them, too!!

Gonna make a bunnie garden this year with just good-for-bunnie-stuff in it. Startin a list right now and will pass it on!!
Copying from what I wrote in another post for those that didn't see it...

Some of the other things rabbits enjoy the twigs and leaves from are:mulberry trees, a grape vine, blackberry bushes, oak trees, willow,pear or maple trees. They'll enjoy acorns if you let them. Plus youcan't forget about the grass!

Be sure not to treat with any pesticides, of course, and check thewebsites below in case you do decide on something - just to be on thesafe side.

Herbs for Rabbits:

Toxic Plants:

* * * * *

Will look forward to seeing your list, JimD. When do you start digging in the dirt?

*adds this to Things To Do list*

Thanks for the info! This weekend my mom and I were talking summerprojects, mapping out the yard and such (which will now include anenclosed cat run - fresh air and sunshine, without any of the risks).And she expressed an interest in planting an herb garden since we enjoycooking with them so much. Now I've got a few suggestions to make ;) :D

Folks that are into this post should also tune into the 'Preventing Cancer' thread.

Hmmm...I'm confused Carolyn. You stated thatCalendula was safe for rabbits, but it's on the toxic list. Is it justa certain part of the plant they shouldn't eat?
I'm going to do potted herbs also, as I have no other option this year! lol

Really, I can't wait for spring to get started on it too. Right now,I'm really wishing I had bought that indoor greenhouse thing that I sawat Home Depot last summer. It would have been perfect for me and what Iwant. Basically, it was a wire shelving until with a huge plasticzippered sleeve that went over it to keep the warmth and humidity in.Oh well, you know what they say about hindsight.
Stephanie wrote:
Hmmm...I'm confused Carolyn. You stated that Calendula wassafe for rabbits, but it's on the toxic list. Is it just a certain partof the plant they shouldn't eat?
Very interesting, Stephanie. Thanks for pointing itout. I'm seeing it on some safe lists toxic lists. Will definitely look into it and get backto you.



No problem, I didn't mean to condratict you or anything.

I am thinking it must be only part of the plant that is harmful to rabbits and not the whole.
Not a problem at all! I'm very glad you pointed it out!!

It's certainly important to get it right.

Thank you!

I'm thinking it could be the stems and roots thatare unsafe. I have a couple of my herb books here and they are sayingonly use the flower and leaves for culinary/medicinal purposes.
I don't exactly have an extra grand kicking around. hahaha

Well, next year I am going to go ahead and buy one, they were onlyaround $100 which is affordable. I did have potted rosemary, basil andcatnip but they all died as soon as I moved in here. We face east and Idont think they were getting enough sunlight or something. I mist myplants daily and run a humidifyer (two in the apartment actually), so Idon't know what happened.

Maybe they got sick or something, although I did treat them before moving them inside.
Stephanie wrote:
Hmmm...I'm confused Carolyn. You stated that Calendula was safefor rabbits, but it's on the toxic list. Is it just a certain part ofthe plant they shouldn't eat?

I have to check with the woman that wrote the article.

After talking to Danielle (owner of Rabbits Only), she said, "If it'sdiluted then it's a totally different effect. With homeopathicremedies, they're extremely diluted. The more diluted on homeopathicremedies, the more potent."

Will keep digging for more information on this, Stephanie.

Thanks for the post Carolyn this is a great ideaknow that I have been one to ask a question about what time on theeastern coast is go to start a outdoor veggie garden

dr_peter_kraz wrote:
Thanks for the post Carolyn this is a great idea know that Ihave been one to ask a question about what time on the eastern coast isgo to start a outdoor veggie garden


Hi Peter,

I'm gonna jump on this one...

Check out this site

The link actually goes directly to the chart you'll need.

Happy Plantin'

:~) Jim

dr_peter_kraz wrote:
Thanks for the post Carolyn this is a great idea know that Ihave been one to ask a question about what time on the eastern coast isgo to start a outdoor veggie garden

Yup, I realize that,Peter.

You're one of the inspirations that made mewrite this post.

Any suggestions on how to keep big fat groundhogsout? I have a fence, but I think they get under it at spots.:X At leastthey left me the tomatoes and peppers.
BunnyMom wrote:
Any suggestions on how to keep big fat groundhogs out? Ihave a fence, but I think they get under it at spots.:X At least theyleft me the tomatoes and peppers.
It's not easy. We had one in our area for about 3 years. He would move from one location to another.

I would wait until I saw him leave his burrow under our compost pileand then I would go out and block up the entrance with stones andbricks. After about a dozen times, I think he got tired of digging backin so he moved to my next door neighbor's yard and dug in under thecement pad for the central air. A couple of weeks later he had movedagain, but I don't know where. He was still coming around so it had tobe close. Eventually we didn't see him any more. He used to destroy ourgardens.

If you have a fence around the garden, it needs to be buried into theground at least a foot. Anything less and they can tunnel right underit.

Keeping them out of the garden is one thing. Getting rid of them is awhole different story. We would have to hire someone to live-trap andrelocate the varmints. It's illegal to do it on your own.

We also have problems with skunks and squirrels in the gardens. Usuallymoth balls around the perimeter of the garden will keep them out.However, when the moth balls loose their odor, the crittersjustuse them for tiny little soccer balls and play with them.

:~) Jim

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