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The airlines that I contacted do notallow rabbits in the cabin. They have to go below. Which really made memad. I can fly with my cat or dog, and I can't fly with Apollo. Doesn'tseem fair to me but what can you do.

I think if a rabbit had to fly it would prefer being in thecabin rather than in the belly of the plane. It's a bit quieter andmore relaxed in the cabin than below. The temperature is regulated inthe cabin and below it isn't. In the cabin you can make sure they areeating and drinking and are there for comfort too.I know Iwould feel a hundered percent better too.

dajeti2 wrote:
The airlines that I contacted do not allow rabbitsin the cabin. They have to go below. Which really made me mad. I canfly with my cat or dog, and I can't fly with Apollo. Doesn't seem fairto me but what can you do.

I think if a rabbit had to fly it would prefer being in thecabin rather than in the belly of the plane. It's a bit quieter andmore relaxed in the cabin than below. The temperature is regulated inthe cabin and below it isn't. In the cabin you can make sure they areeating and drinking and are there for comfort too.I know Iwould feel a hundered percent better too.

Well that certainly sucks. Bunny's need the close attentionmore than cats, and they're far less disruptive.

And Apollo would feel 200 percent better if you were withhim.Being in thenoisy, cold cargo holdAND being without his favourite human is doubly stressful.

We should start a letter writing campaign.

I flew from Canada to the US, with my bunny Cleo3 months ago. They do not allow rabbits in the cabin becauserabbits have a higher incidence of anaphalactic (sp) shock.

You MUST make sure of the proceedures of the airport and its carriersbefore you go. Cage sizes are specified and the cost goes upwith each size.. It cost me almost $200.00 canadian (which by the waywas more than the seat I had for myself). And I still had ahuge argument at the airport because I had to switch sizes of thecarrier and they neglected to tell me that with each cage upgrade thehigher the cost.

Secondly your carrier has to be well labeled, my vet suggested puttinga humourous sign on the cage so she would be paid attention to, the oneI attached to it went something like this:

Hi my name is Cleo, I am a 3 month old dwarf rabbit. This ismy first time on a plane so I am a little out of sorts. I amalso nervous about big animals, so please do not put me near an animalwith a bigger mouth than I am!

The people in customs just roared over that and I think that may havebeen the reason I flew through that part. Then of coursecomes Xray....2 very large suitcases, a carry on piece, and a rabbitcarrier... and no help. "Mam.. could youplease take the rabbit out?" Oh yeah sure I can which handshould I use? You try and take a rabbit out of a cage thatshe has been in already for 3 hours sheesh.

All in all 4 hours later... she survived the trip better than I did.. Idid get a little panicked when I arrived at my destination and got myluggage but no bunny was in sight. I had to search theairport myself for her.. they brought her up personally, but not beforeI had to bitch at them.

When we arrived at our new place she was none worse for wear, and adjusted to her new envoirnment quickly.

I am not sure I would go through that again.

Bryan, the cabin is the part of the plane we humans sit in.

Pipp, I as irate when I first found out. Apparently cats anddogs have to be small enough so that their carrier will fit under youseat is what I was told. Well Wollo is too big for that's adouble whammy for him.

The stress of flying would be unbearable for Apollo. I canhonestly say with confidence that he would not survive a flight exceptin the cabin. So I drive where ever we need to go. I am driving about10 hours to Conneticut so I can bring Wollo.

I had others complaining as well.

I don't appreciate our member's time being taken for granted or wasted.

Oh well if it was a troll.. at least it answereda question that someone might have about travelling with a rabbit...the origianal cage that I bought for cleo to travel in would have fitunder the seats... airplane policy will not let them travel withyou. Thinks I would rather have a rabbit that makes no noise,no mess than a dog who barks or a baby that cries the whole trip... butthat is just my opinion

I am terrified to fly. I would have needa xanax or some strong liquor to even board the plane lol. But because10 hours in a car is a long time.I thought if itwould be faster and easier on Apollo ok.

So I wasn't devastated when I found out he couldn'tbe with me and I would be driving. I do think it is highly unfairthough. My rabbit is a lot quieter and less smelly than a cat or dog. Ithink it is unfair. But that's just me

Carolyn, No problem I was simply impressed by your speed. Ilove knowing you are there watching out for me and all of us. You havea thankless and unrelenting job and I so appreciate it Sweetie.
