Pixie's House of Buns

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2007
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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Chapter One: How I got Spank <3

When I was 16, I signed up for a "Work Experience" class, because I wanted to work with animals. Now my number one choice was the SPCA, but I was told highschool students have been banned from the SPCA due to some conflicts. Earlier that year, I was the captain of one of the SPCA's fundraising teams, so when the manager found out I wanted to "work" at the SPCA for a week, he allowed me to do my work experience there.

Oh I was sooooo excited!! But even on day 1, I was drawn to the bunny room. I just couldn't leave!! I met some of the amazing bunny volunteers, and all of them asked me "Have you met Olga?" "No, I haven't" "Well just be a little becareful, she's not too fond of younger people hovering over the buns".

I met Olga on the second day of my work experience day. I kept my distance from her, because my work experience teacher kept reminding me if I screwed up or p*ssed anyone off, then I would be soley responsible for having all highschool students banned once again.

Exactly 15 min. before my day was up, I heard yelling come from inside the bunny room. I walked over there, and found Olga screaming over her phone. She hung up, and I asked what was wrong. She told me the four bunnies on the floor - let me go back a step. The shelter was already full of bunnies, but four more came and they had to be placed in guinea pig cages on the floor. The man in changed of all lower mainland SPCA's - Bob Busch- decided to drop by, saw the four buns, and had them ordered to be put down. Now it was 4:45, they were going to be put down at 5:30. Everybody she was calling was not picking up, and she was desperately running out of time.

I looked at the four bunnies - Mimi, a 3 year old dwarf Himalayin, Diesel, a 4 month old New Zealand, Cabby - a 3 month old Netherland Dwarf, and Spank - a 2 month old Himalayin Lop-Eared Cross. Spank ran from the other side of his cage and sniffed my finger, and looked at me with those beady little brown eyes. The dilemna! "My parents would KILL me!" But at the same time, I knew deep down that he was mine.

I convinced my mom over the phone, with a "He'll be gone in two weeks, I swear". And so I brought him home. Glen was the only one who picked up his phone, he was on his way to a party but he quickly turned his car around and raced to the shelter. He took Diesel. Cabby was taken home by another volunteer. And Olga squeezed in poor Mimi in her shelter.

That night, I had him in bed with me. I checked him over and found cuts, bruises, and dried blood. He had been abused. The person who found him, said he was slowly stepping around as if he was afraid of everything. So it was easy to catch him. My brother and my dad came in, and little Spank flipped out. He became deathly afraid and started attacking. He did this with all boys.

The next couple of days, I noticed something wasn't right. He'd be asleep in my lap, or next to me in bed. Then his eyes would shoot open, he'd jump up, shake his head, then start running in circles trying to attack everything in his way - including me. He went to the vet, and we discoved he had bipolar disorder. I refused to put him on any drugs, and decided the best cure was some tough TLC.

Spank grew up in my foster care to a teenager, and I knew there was no way I could give him up. Then I got that call, the call that he had a foster family lined up for him. At first, I pretended to be happy. I called them to ensure they knew he needed special care, and he was already making progress. "And if there was any reason you didn't want him anymore, just give me a call, leave him in a cage on your doorstep and I'll came get him. I don't need a reason, you don't need to talk to me, just leave him on the doorstep and I'll come get him."

Olga took him to get neutered, and I said my goodbyes with a fade full of tears. He had his surgery the next day, and so I called Olga the day after to see how he was doing. "He's not doing so well... he refuses to eat, move, and he seems really depressed." My heart just died the second I heard that, and then I got really sick. I called everyday for the next week. She had to force feed him and everything. I called once more to confess that I didn't want to give him and I wanted to see him. She brought him over that weekend - I opened the box with a piece of romaine lettuce on my lap, and Spank jumped out of the box, onto my lap and engulfed the romaine in just a couple mouthfuls <3

Olga asked me to return to the shelter as a bunny volunteer that night. Spank had clearly changed my life. My whole life revolves around bunnies. I'm hugely involved with bunnies at most shelters, now I house a total of five, and I want to be a bunny vet.

Spank just turned two this month =]

Here's him taking a break from a long day's run:


I caught him on the bed this morning!




My eyes filled up with tears reading that, i find it really hard to understand how people can abuse animals esp. rabbits :(

But he must really love you and he must have been pining foryou thats so nice :)I am really glad you got to keep him he is really gorgeous:)
What a special story and what a special bun. I'm so glad you two have such a connection...

Lolz thanks!! =]

I should've mentioned, after 8 months - his bipolar disorder became dormant, and then disappeared. Yay for Spank!!

It was a tough 8 months. I remember one time, I was only giving him a kiss on the nose when his bipolar disorder appeared - and he bit the insides of my nose! And another time, I was trying to get up to put him back in the cage, and he jumped and bit my butt, and he hung there. Talk about OW.

During that 8 months, I had various male friends come over to show Spank that they wouldn't hurt him. The first one went pretty bad, as Spank jumped and bit him on the neck...O_O. But he soon learned that we would never hurt him.

Glen decided to adopt Diesel, even though he had just adopted a new bun earlier that week. Cabby came back to Olga's bunny shelter, and got adopted into a wonderful home, and so did Mimi!!

I think I have time to start chapter 2 =P

Chapter 2 - Muffy and Labrador <3

I mentioned how it took eight months to finally control Spank's bipolar disorder, and how I became a regular SPCA Rabbit Volunteer.

Eight months and TWO WEEKS after I got Spank (And only two weeks after his "episodes" have cleared up), I decided to go down to the shelter on my only day off, a Thursday, and visit poor Miss Muffy.

Now, Muffy was first dumped at the shelter when she was seven and a half. And Labrador was found as a stray two month old baby (Just like Spank!). A man came in and adopted the two and bonded them together. That's right, he bonded a two month old baby with a seven and a half year old senior. He might've though it was cute them, trying to make them mother and son or something, I don't know. But did he think what would happen when they grew up and Muffy got sick? The age difference is huge!

After only eight months of adopting the two, he dumped them back in the shelter during Spring Break. His excuse? "I'm moving and I can't take them with me". So now poor Miss Muffy is eight and a half, and Labrador is 10 months. Seniors in any shelter almost never find homes. Muffy and Labrador were in the shelter for a second time, and after five months of living there again - Muffy got sick.

For almost a week, she hardly had moved. Lost more than half her weight, and had a foul odor coming from her. The Vet took one look at her and said she was at the end of her rope. They decided it was best to just put her down, but no one would have the time to make sure Labrador was ok. So a stupid decision by management decided to have Labrador put down as well.

I know that sounds cruel, and it is! But let me tell you about our summer situation. Now every Easter, Petcetera sells well over 50 baby bunnies. And when those baby bunnies grow up in the summer, guess where the majority of them show up? At the SPCA. We have them in cages on the floors, on the shelves, in the kitchen, and even in the hospital! AND there's a waiting list after that.

So management wanted Labrador's cage space. =T

Now I can continue my story =P I went to go visit poor Miss Muffy on my day off - looking at her made my eyes fill up with tears. I just thought it wasn't fair. For her to die in a shelter like this? To NEVER have had a permanent home. And for Labrador to suffer for no reason? Acme, the Rabbit Volunteer on Thursday spoke in a very, non chalent, knowing I'd say no anyways, "Why don't you just take them?". "Take them?" It was too late. Within a second, that thought would not leave my head and I was determined to get them home with me.

I waited for Olga to come in. Olga founded and is the president of Vancouver Rabbit Rescue and Advocacy, the Vancouver chapter of Rabbit House Society. She is also in charge of rabbits at the Vancouver SPCA. It must've been three hours that I waited. Another bunny pair showed up at the shelter within that time period.

Finally! She arrived. I immediately brought up the question with her, and she agreed with me 100%. She quickly went to go talk to the manager, telling him how I could let Muffy die in a quiet peaceful environment, and take care of Labrador until Winter arrived where a cage would be available for him. So that was my contract with the shelter. They're mine until Muffy dies, and then Labrador is with me until Winter. The Vet gave me her assumption - Muffy would go anytime from two days to two weeks.

Now the hard part - convincing my mom. Oh there was no way my dad was going to know. Absolutely no way. I called my mom, who immediately said the weirdest thing "ANOTHER animal? April, you're addicted to bringing home something every couple months. Oh why can't you be addcited to drugs, then atleast you're normal" Haha that totally cracked me up. You see, my mom is a very religious woman, who hates animals.

I convinced her with a "Muffy's going to die no more than two weeks! Then Labrador's just with me until Winter".

Sneaking them in the house was hard, and I think I was slightly caught by my dad. As he said to my brother (Which I found very odd, I think my parents switched bodies that day) "You know, you can tell her she doesn't need to sneak them in when I'm here".

I put them in Spank's cage, as Spank was free range anyways and hardly used his cage. I bought a higher protein pellet brand for Muffy, and she had no problem eating it. I found out that foul odor coming from her was urine burns =[ It turns out, she had been spayed incorrectly and her bladder had been tampered with. So she has aboslutely no control over her bladder. At the time, she wasn't moving her right leg, so she couldn't move her butt up to pee like most bunnies. So instead, she was urinating all over her legs and hips - causing major urine burns and scars. She must've been screaming in pain. The poor girl...

I gave her a bath, and removed as much dead fur from her legs and hips as I could. Urine contained in the fur calls for some harsh bacteria to be growing there. I bought Hexadine (An antibiotic flush that kills urine trapt on the skin, and heals urine scars), and used it on her. Wow, did she ever flinch in pain. When that was all over, I put them outside on a beautiful summer's day - hoping Muffy could get all the love and attention and happyness she could before she passed on.

Two days had passed, and it wasn't her time yet. Two weeks had passed, and it wasn't her time either. In fact, she made a complete recovery. She gained her weight back, and became the bunny with a bottomless pit for a stomach. She was like cookie monster - but for vegetables!

The uncontrolled bladder will clearly never get any better, and she has the littler box concept backwards (She thinks you must put your two front feet in front of the litterbox, and stick your butt outside to pee. Oh it's so funny! =P ) Her leg still wasn't being used, so I took her to the Vet. It turned out she had knee arthritis, and so she's on medication for that.

After 10 months of fostering, I had decided to become their forever permanent home! And I adopted the two <3 I have now had them for 1 year and 2 1/2 months =]

I do have a picture of them, but we seem to have caught Muffy at a bad moment - where she peed without control. I do give them a different blanket every day! And if it's bad, then twice a day. You can see poor Muffy just pees everywhere =[

Ehh.. I really don't want to put this picture up, but I feel it shows what the poor girl has been though. And NEVER LET YOUR BUNNY BE SPAYED BY A VET WHO'S NOT BUNNY SAVVY!!


Here's a picture of Labrador in his NIC condo.

Labrador <3 :


Chapter Three: Miss Savvy Pants, aka Savannah <3

Only a year had past since the day I had taken Muffy and Labrador home when my boyfriend, Vince, decided he wanted a bunny too.

It was akward for me. You see, when Vince and I started dating a year ago - he HATED animals. He thought they were disgusting, and only good for pooping. He never had a pet, so therefore he never understood the joys of owning and caring for something.

Last June, I was put in a very bad situation. The day after report cards, the day after my grade 12 year had ended - my dad said to me "If I see those rabbits by the end of the week, I'm throwing them in the streets, along with my mouse". Argh, I was furious and realized it was my time to leave.

Luckily, I saved up enough money and left home. I didn't immediatly find an animal friendly accomodation as it was VERY short notice. And so my friend had to look after Spank, Muffy, Labrador, and my mouse, Bella. After only 3 weeks of living there, Vince and his roommate got into a fight and he was getting kicked out. He convinced me to move out with him, and so my buns once again got shuffled to another friend's house, as I needed the time to pack and move and I felt absolutely terrible.

I ended up moving into a very nice house where the landlord said to me "I don't care if you have 20 bunnies! They're so cute =] "

So here Vince and I am, with three bunnies who have their own rooms - shared with a mouse of course. Not even two weeks in, Vince mentions that he would love a bunny.

Let me back track a little. Over the last couple months, I started needing help at the shelter. And Vince would come and help me even though he didn't want to. He met a lionhead named Snowy, who was a dwarf albino lionhead. Or in Vince's words "Zombie bunny!". He adored Snowy, but Snowly was adopted the following weekend. Ever since there was a lionhead in the shelter, Vince came down to visit it. He began talking about lionheads non stop, and this eventually led to the conversation of him adopting a lionhead.

We went down to the shelter with hopes of adopting a female lionhead to bond with Spank. Since I volunteered, I knew we had one female lionhead named "Bonjoo". Oh, Spank and Bonjoo had love at first sight and we were determined she was ours. I left a "April is going to adopt her, please do not adopt to anyone else" note. And within two days, she was adopted to someone else =T Thanks a lot guys!

Vince was crushed. I went on the craigslist pet page for the first time that day just to look at it. The first ad? "Free lionhead bunnies to a good home". Could it have been just a weird coincidence? I emailed the poster, explaining my position at the shelter. She immediatly replied telling me she would be glad to give me a bun as she felt she trusted me already. She was good bun owner, and carefully screened all applicants.

She had two lionheads herself, a male and a female - who were both scheduled for their spay and neuter on the same day. The day before, he kids put them together because "they missed each other". Lolz, they missed each other enough to make babies. So once again, we put Spank in the van and we drove 2 hours to White Rock, Canada to meet three lionhead sisters.

Spank loved the brown sister, but she HATED him. It was like highschool for the little guy. Janice wanted me to take her favorite - the calico. But it being her favorite, I didn't want to part her with the little one. Besides, it was really up to Spank. Spank licked the white and black one a few times, and ran away. He'd return to her. So we decided to take the black and white one - she also happened to be Vince's favorite. That night, we named her "Savannah", and we were so happy! But unfortunately, Spank hates Savannah when she's in his bedroom. Outside of his bedroom, they're a great couple. After a month, we just gave up completely, and we're housing them separately. Savannah's NIC condo is currently under construction, and she'll love it there. We're planning to house her with the fosters.

Everyone, meet Savannah!




Savannah's two sisters:



More picture time!!

Muffy and Labrador in their NIC cage:





Such love <3
Chapter 4: Foster bunny Royce! <3

Wow, so not even a month after Miss Savvy Pants (Savannah) arrives, I get an email from Vancouver Rabbit Rescue and Advocacy president and founder - Olga Betts.

Hi April,

I was wondering if you could help this girl. She is having a hard 
time because her mother's boyfriend won't let her bring her bunny 
home. She was wanting me to foster him for her for a year but I can't 
do that. Maybe you could work out something with her? I am wanting to 
help her but can't think of anyone to foster except, maybe you.  The 
bunny needs to be neutered but she said she could get that done.

Knowing that I could NEVER turn down a bunny in need, I immediately replied with a "yes". But little did I know - he was coming the next day =P

When I first joined the forums, I saw a girl trying to relocate her rabbit in the Vancouver area. Never did I ever realize that the girl on the forums was the same girl who contacted VRRA for help. She changed her mind from re-locating to finding a foster home for a year because she could never part with him. (And after homing him for only a month, I can see why she adores him to death).

Of course, we keep in touch and she visits every now and then! Even though she's a good hour drive away. But Royce is the sweetest bun alive! He's so gentle and mellow, or he's a hyper happy-go-lucky guy. Although he's not neutered, he acts like a neutered bun. He never chews the wires, doesn't spray, and even if he just has to poop out a coco puff, he goes in his litter box.

Unless Miss Savvy Pants comes out - then he turns into the common horny unneutered house bun =P

Welcome foster bunny Royce!


What a good boy <3


He jumped onto the table and knocked everything down!! =O But we still love him!


And his most favorite spot in the whole house....


The fireplace!

Awww thanks Binkies!

Heres some more fun pics of Savannah!






I possibly have two more buns on their way!

Kimberly, an older blind rabbit who was found in a run down part of the city. She came in to the Vancouver SPCA half blind in one eye. After being transferred to the Vancouver Rabbit Rescue and Advocacy, she became blind in both eyes. She currently has an abcess on her right ear - she is now at the Vet's to have it cut off. When she is ready, I will be fostering her to adopt.

Remember when 40 rabbits at the Montreal SPCA were endangered of being euthanized? I went through their Petfinders list and found the exact lionhead I was looking for. We (Vince and I) were looking for a black lionhead with a subtle lion hair style, to match our white lionhead, Miss Savannah, who also have a subtle lion style. Knowing that it was too long of a strech, I emailed the small animal coordiator, as well as MsBinky, with just a tiny glimmer of hope for the male lionhead, Basilic. When I saw that the small animal coordiator for the Montreal SPCA had replied saying "If you can arrange all this, and are willing to pay Basilic's air fare, then he's all yours" Ohhhh how happy I was!! I hope little Basilic would be ok up there.


Wouldn't he and Savannah just make a totally awesome love bun couple?

Savannah & Basilic <3
Wow..i loved reading your blog....and what a wonderful person you are to help out these bunnies in need.

There is so many gorgeous bunnies,that they're all my favourites :D

I just got off the phone with West Jet, and it's only going to cost me $67.84 to fly him over from Montreal to Vancouver!! What a relief, I was expecting around $200! We're changing his name a little, he's going from Basilic to Basilisk. My boyfriend thinks it's cooler that way lolz. But if he were to fly with someone, it would be $50.

I was really thinking of flying to Montreal myself and picking him up. It's only a two hour flight I believe, and I certainly don't want him flying cargo. =[ I want to go to Montreal to pick him up!

Oh little Basilisk! I'm sending over the carrier as well as the money soon, and I hope to get you here sometime in December! I hope your fly wouldn't be too scary for you =[
Two years ago on this day, you ran up to me when I found out you were to be euthanized and you licked my index finger. I'm guessing it was because I fed you a carrot earlier and you wanted another =P But after looking into your adorable little brown eyes, I had to make sure you were going to be safe, and I had to make sure you were going to be my little boy.

Happy two year anniversary SPANK!


His first picture taken <3 ....Right before he got neutered =P

And after he came back from his neuter - he was only 4 months old, and he certainly had to grow into those ears!! What a messy baby <3


Newest picture of Spank taken an hour ago <3


And two more pictures of lovable Royce =]




Bah, I know Labrador and Royce look exactly the same in the pictures =[

Royce is a Holland Lop, while Labrador is half English Lop. While Royce is all curvy and cute ( =P ), Labrador has the pointed facial stucture, and his ears are just a tad longer than the average lop.
Need I say more?

Picture heavy: Spank, and Savannah.









He is a very messy boy, look how he keeps his bedroom!! Yes, Spank has his own bedroom - along with his very own bed. What a spoiled baby





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