Pixie wants to fly!!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2004
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Degraff, Ohio, USA
My bun Pixie wants to fly! Every time she startsbiting me after i hold her for a few minutes I have to put Pixie backup so when i do (and i still have to open the cage door) she jumps outof my hand and goes flying, unfortunantly, she cant fly (because ofgravity :(). I told her that if she keeps it up shes going to get hurt,but does she listen...no...lol :dude: owell...:)
Umbra likes to fly offof my bed. Sometimes I think the only reason he goes up thereis fly off of it. Oh, and once he flew right over the gatethat separates my room from the rest of the house! Luckily,my dog was nowhere near the hallway, and I scooped his wingedbunny-self right back up into my room.

Perhaps in the past rabbits had mini-wings? =)

--Melissa and Umbra
I just did a search for flying rabbits as myBenjamin has started with a new trick! He insists on jumpingfrom my arms to get into his hutch and last night he flew around 3 feetthrough the air and landed safely on his feet - it's very worrying thathe's started to do this as he could dive off me one time and fall badly- muct try to control him in some way. He's always been thekinda bunny who hates being carried and picked up but unfortunatelyit['s necessary to pick him up to put him in his overnight hutch asit's too high-up for him to jump in of his own accord.
I had that problem, too. The bestthing to do is hold them "backwards", so that they go butt-first intothe cage. Mine was so bad about leaping and it scared me todeath. They can fall and easily break a leg or worse, theirback. If they can't see the cage, they won't jump.


My bun does that also, so now i have to just'blindfold' him by putting my hands in front of his eyes so he can'tsee the cage. It works good.:)
Here's REAL bunny wings!!!
snaphappy14 wrote:
My bun Pixie wants to fly! Every time she starts biting meafter i hold her for a few minutes I have to put Pixie back up so wheni do (and i still have to open the cage door) she jumps out of my handand goes flying, unfortunantly, she cant fly (because of gravity :(). Itold her that if she keeps it up shes going to get hurt, but does shelisten...no...lol :dude: owell...:)
Haha. I just wrote a similar post not to long about about mytrip to the vet with Iszy. She tried fly off the table andcrashed into the wall onto the floor and broke her claw.:disgust:

SUPERBUNNY!! :muscleman:
SOOOSKA wrote:
Sorry didn't do spell check s/b Angel


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One of mine jumps into her cage if I'm holding her. Instead of fightingher about it I just bought a small carrier and she'll calmly and safelyhop out of there and into her cage.
SOOOSKA wrote:
This Bunny is REALLY cute.

How lucky someone has an angle with them at all times.

Thats my girl Oreo...she's an angel...she goes to the hospitalas a therapy bunny patients just lover her and get a kick out of herwings! ;)

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