Pit Bunnies!

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Jul 9, 2004
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
A few weeks ago, my husband came home with a hugebox - my face lit up :). He said it was a present for thebunnies - my face dropped :(. He had been to a DIY store and boughtthem - a sandpit. One of these proper childs sandpits - wood base witha waterproof canopy which acts as a lid to cover it up when not in use.

Well, as we all know, and it has been covered in other posts here,bunnies have their own idea when it comes to toys and playthings. So Iwatched as he built a foundation to put it on - Perry and Pernodhelping out, of course, and making sure he was doing it right, and Iwatched as he built the sandpit, attached the poles to slide the canopyup and down, and I watched as he emptied 6 sacks of playsand into it,all with a sinking heart. The buns aren't going to use it, ithought, Daddy's going to get angry, I thought, my life is going to bea misery, I thought. And guess what?


They dig in it. They roll in it. They binky in it.They run in tiny circles at 100 mph in it. And ,eventually, they flopin it! What a relief. We are all happy bunnies. They're happy ' costhey've got a new play thing, daddy's happy 'cos they use it, and I'mhappy 'cos they're all happy. (Still waiting for my pressiethough!)


Pernod inspecting the foundation.


We're so happy we could kiss each other!


It's hard work enjoying yourself!
Thats amazing! Luvabun, I am planning on headingback to Canada at the end of Aug-could I borrow your hubby for a littleconstruction work in thebackyard?

hehe great work!

Very cool idea! Your buns are having agreat time in their new sand box. Your husband had a goodidea. It provides them with a place to play, dig, run andlounge! They should have hours of fun inthat. Also a good way for them to exercise. Whenand if the buns get tired of it, you and your husband could havefunmaking sand castles in it. ;)LOL -- just jokingofcourse!

Beckie, Trouble and Trixie

Mocha and Spice would like to inquire as to when your husband can cometo Canada and build their own personal sandbox as well. ;)

lol, I use the poor mans sandbox, ;)a cardboard box lidfilled with black dirt from the garden... but I do live accross thestreet from a playground withsand... lol.;)
oh that is way too cute, i'm jealous! so manyideas for when Hubby and i move LOL... course i think he'll be spendingmore time on the house... but all in good time LOL

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