Pineapple Juice

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2005
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I got some pineapple juice and I can't wait togive it to the buns! I understand this is not a cure for GIproblems, more of a preventive measure. How much and howoften should I offer this treat to the buns?

Thanks & Hugs!

Shorty, Star & Krick
Is it fresh pineapple juice??

The canned stuff doesn't have the same benefits as fresh.

I haven't given any juice to my buns. I have given them pieces of freshpineapple from time to time (mostly when they shed or molt).

Hi Kricket,

It has to be fresh pineapple because the enzymes in the fresh pineappleis what helps to break the hairball down. The other side ofit is that the pumpkin has to be canned. If your little oneisn't big on hay, give him the pumpkin. Some rabbits like thetaste of it, so it's not hard to give it to them.

You can offer them a piece of fresh pineapple once a week or two timesa week or so. Because it's high in sugar, you don't want togive too much, but once or twice a week should keep things clean, alongwith the fiber (via timothy hay or canned pumpkin). Somepeople get the pineapple from a salad bar at a grocery store or such ifthey don't want to buy a wholepineapple.

Daily brushings also helps with molting, and letting the rabbit hoparound so that if there is a slight blockage, it can work it outthrough exercise is another thing to keep in mind.

You can also give them some dried papaya, which also helps keep their system going.


I'm so glad I found this post! my rabbits arevery picky eaters and don't always eat their hay.. that's part myproblem too.. (use to feed them too much pellets but have cut back tothe recommened amount)

I'm glad there's other options than hay out there.. I try to give themdifferent varieties of oxbow hay.. they like them but they don't alwayseat it when they're supposed to.. :p

My buns won't drink the pineapplejuice. I put it in their dish and it just sat there, so I putit in their water bottles and they didn't drink at all -- none of them.

I give them all pumpkin, even the younger ones. They all eatveggies so I figure it's fine. They get about1Tbsp. twice a week. Sage goes nuts for it. Hesmells it as soon as I come into the room and starts making all kindsof bunny noises.

Lyndsy and Ditty,

The pumpkin has to be canned in order for it to work correctly on therabbit because it's the processing that it goes through that helpsbunnies. Canned pumpkin is loaded with fiber. It'ssaid to be preferred more by some of the rabbit experts I've spoken tothan oats are. (Oats would be an alternative.)

Lyndsy, no, the monkeys aren't too young for pineapple and canned pumpkin.


Thanks, y'all ;) What about thiscanned pumpkin? Is it the kind I would use for pumpkinpie? The pumpkin filling? Or are there pumpkinchunks (or whatever) available?


Shorty, Star & Krick
That's exactly it, Kricket. The kind you'd use for a pumpkin pie.


I did a little research, I heard once a month and also heard once every two weeks...???
lyndsy wrote:

Exactly how much would I give to the Monkeys at one time, and how often do you recommend they have it?????


Some people have fed their rabbits a piece of pineapple a week - orevery few days. I think it's a good idea to do it once a week- with both - if they're not eating their hay a lot. Itcertainly can't hurt them.

When they're suffering from GI Stasis, pineapple and as much cannedpumpkin as they'll eat every 4 hours is the best route to go.



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