Thank you Michaela, I think he's cute too (butI'm a biased mum!). He's 14 weeks old but he was only 8 weekswhen I took those pictures of him.
He has a brilliant personality too, he likes to just chill out on mysofa (as you can see) but sometimes he's feeling rebellious and triesto get behind my TV (the ONLY place in my house where wires aren'tbunny proofed!). He understands "No", so he tries it on withme. The other night, he was merrily hopping around my livingroom and he put his front 2 paws on top of the 'Friends' DVD boxed set(you can see it behind him in one of the pics) and looked over at me,of course, I said "No", to which he stretched his body as if he wasgoing further in and looked at me again (knowing full well he's notallowed back there!) so I said "No" again. Cheeky monkey heis LOL.