Some sites won't allow you to post pictures thatare on them here... I've heard yahoo is one of them. Maybe your at oneof those places? Do the photos appear while your writeing your message?
luna, when I looked at the properties of yourpictures, it shows that you are trying to link us pictures that youhave saved on your computer. Because our computer doesn't have thosepictures saved in the files or places you do, we can't see them.
You can either sign up for some webspace, free or paid. There are manysites that people use here. I just use AOL because I still have anaccount with them. can click on the little button that says Browse... at thebottom of the post when you are making a new post. You attach thepicture and then we can all see it. If you try it and the picture doesnot show up, it usually means that the picture is too large. Use aprogram like Microsoft Photo Editor (available on most computers in theMicrosoft Office package) to Resize the picture a bit smaller so it canbe attached.