pics of lionhead

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May 20, 2005
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Here are some pics of by 12 wk old lionhead. Hope someone can give meadvice on grooming, she wont stay still when i try to brush her, i'vetryed giving her favorite nibbles, but that doe'nt work. She loves herforehead brushed and will happily stay for hours, and pushes her headforward so i'll do that, but she is very sensitive on her lowerback,and as you can see by the pic the area under her chin and aroundher chest i can't get to at all, i dont know how to lift her head up.

How long have you had her? Try to just bond withher and talk, hold her and pet her. When she starts to calm down/ whenshe's relax try to brush her. She'll let you brush her soon. She'sstill a baby so she will get into the habit of relaxing and become anawesome bunny, but for now she just wants to explore and have fun, justlike a curious bbay bunny would want to do. Hope this helps.


P.S this happens to me with adult rabbits
She is BEAUTIFUL! I'm having the sameproblem with my lionhead girl...she's just a tad bit younger thanyours. I think that as she matures and gets used to you -she'll let you do least that is what I'm finding with myGingerSpice!


ive got 2 pedigree buns my min dwaf lops! but im not sure about theother bun hes a nertherland dwaf bun but he has the face like alionhead bun! i will have to show you the pic l8er!



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