Pics of Bailee and Mr. Wiggles

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2004
Reaction score
, Virginia, USA
The weather has been SO nice here, so I let Bailee walk Mr. Wiggles around the driveway, they were so cute!



Mr. Wiggles looks like a poodle with hishaircut! That picture is absolutely adorable!!!!!They should be gracing the front cover of a magazine!


They make the sweetest little couple! Your daughter isabsolutely Adorable! I noticed her shoes in the first picture, and whenI saw Mr. Wiggles checking them out in the second, I had to laugh.

You must have so much fun with them both. I just adore these pictures, Megan.

Tell Bailee we all said hi and she's a very pretty little girl. She is a little Doll!


How cute are they?!?!?!

Her cute little shoes and overalls :) and his poodle doo, adorable!!!! :D


There's my little red headed baby!

Isn't sheprecious!

I WANT Bailee and Mr. Wiggles! I'll tradeone 19-year-old college boy, straight across? He can live on 5 lb. bagsof gummy bears and bud lite for days at a time. He does his laundrywith Fabreeze. The house is quiet when he's sleeping, which is from2:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.- Wanna think aboutit???

I knew as soon as i saw this post that Raspberrywould be after Bailee.:p. Had to laugh at the idea of the swap though.BTW, Raspberry, I don't have anything to swap, but could I have the 19year old college boy:D;) - Jan
Oh how cute. Mr Wiggles does look like a poodlewith his haircut, at first I thought it was a doggy, but then I noticedthe ears. Bailee has such great hair and shoes:)
LuvaBun wrote:
Iknew as soon as i saw this post that Raspberry would be afterBailee.:p. Had to laugh at the idea of the swap though. BTW, Raspberry,I don't have anything to swap, but could I have the 19 year old collegeboy:D;) - Jan
If I took a picture of his room you wouldchange your mind! Sometimes I wonder if there are "things" in there!Probably "things" in there bigger than Sebastian! :shock:

I guess the gummy bears and bud lite would fall under your vegetarian diet...

Thanks everyone!!! This is the first chance I'vehad to sit at the computer in two days, I feel bad that I haven't had achance to reply!

Bailee got shoes like that for Christmas last year and she wore themuntil they broke in half. I took all the rhinetones off and thefeathers and hot glued them on to a new pair of dress up shoes. She'sso happy she hasn't taken them off for 3 days :D

She was so proud to be outside with her bunny, he didn't go anywherebut up and down the driveway checking out the grass, but that wasenough for her. My son was with us too, but when he realized that weweren't actually going around the block or anything he decided ridinghis bike sounded like more fun.

When Mr. Wiggles grows out fully, his hair doesn't really get curly,but there's a very loose crimp to it with some straight hairs. He has achoppy look right now because I sheared him with scissors. I enjoy hisshort hair cut because he is much more active. He really doesn't shedwhen he's grown out, but when he's cut this short he doesn't shed atall, so that's nice. I've found that I'm somewhat allergic to our newrabbit because she sheds so much. I cut Mr. Wiggles as close to theskin as I could with my limited experience, I also thought he'd belonger by now too, but it seems like very time I look at him it'sgotten longer. It feels SO good right now.

Thanks everyone for all your replies,


PS As tempting as it sounds, I think I'll SKIP on the 19 yearold college boy!!! I have my own 25 year old college hubby to take careof, someone forgot to tell him that you're supposed to act like a grownupafter you have kids;D hehehe