picky or piggy

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how fast does yours eat pellets/oats?

  • as fast as possible

  • a bit slower, but all at one time

  • leaves some for later

  • leaves some & never eats it

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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois, USA
How fast does your rabbit eat his pellets or other dry food? Please take the poll. If you have more than one rabbit, answer all that apply.
Tippy will ignore her pellets if she has (good)fresh food left. She'll eat the cilantro and she'll eat the parsley and then the pellets before the lettuce. But oats come first. Oats trump all. Oats come before mommy sitting down, or mommy eating, or mommy reading...if Tippy wants her oats....spoiled little pig will eat as much as I put in the palm of my hand in one bite.
I have one of each. Cinderella chows as fast as possible. Houdini takes a bit more time, but finishes everything in one go. Ghirardelli picks out all the oats and leaves some pellets for later, but finishes by morning. Rebecca will eat the oats off the top and leave pellets, she will not usually finish by morning.

Needless to say Cinderella and Rebecca living together resulted in Becky getting extremely skinny. Now all four will play together but they can't eat together.
I feed one thing at a time. Greens come first. An hour later Honey gets either pellets or oats, depending on if AM or PM. So I don't give her a choice of which to eat first, just how fast she eats it. The pellets go in the exercise ball; the oats are too small for it.
Breakfast at our house is pellets. Gary and Becky get oats on top and Cindi gets hers in a ball to slow her down.

Dinner time is salads for all (including the turtles and gerbils hehehe).

Hay, water, and apple tree sticks are always available for between meal snacking. This is working for us that it keeps Becky and Gary's weight up because they tend to be on the skinny side and has helped Cindi lose weight because she was super fat when I got her. Houdini is doing great at holding steady.
We have a free feed thing for Cookie's pellets (the kind that just stay full... As he eats more comes down and fills the bowl part) the pellets stay fresh in the top part and we only have to fill it once a week... He only eats about a 1/3 cup of them a day... He LOVES his veggies! He gets a big bowl of fresh veg in the A.M & P.M.
Fraggles gobbles down her pellets (am) and salad (pm) then she goes and stares at Muppet who always has pellets or salad left over. She will spend all day nibbling slowly while Fraggles watches. They have hay all the time though and a small bit of papaya at night.
My boys only gobble their veggies and fruit, but with their pellets and hay munch on them all day. Since they are all fed separately, their is no food aggression.

I truly think this was one of the reasons Dobby and Kreacher had to be split. Dobby did eat the veggies and fruit faster than Kreacher. Actually would grab a piece and turn his back, or even grab the cup that the veggies and fruit were in. Started sitting in front of the pellets to keep Kreacher away while he ate.

Thanks Lake for the Poll. Got me thinking.

LakeCondo wrote:
I thought of it because of Fraggles & Muppet.

I figured that because I've been reading the saga of Fraggles and Muppet too.

Just your poll brought lots of replies that I could then see what was going on with Dobby and Kreacher. Ahhhh, hindsight. But it's a learning experience to help in the future. Still want Dobby and Willard to meet and get along.

K :)
Hmmm... my response probably sounds dodgy...

But all my bunnies get like a cup and a half of pellets when
I fill their bowls. They eat them slowly throughout the day
and night and maybe the next day and they never over eat... None of them are over weight and they never eat more than they should. I don't like giving them only a small amounts
just incase I get caught up and dont get back til the next
day or afternoon so I usually make sure everything is full
but they know when to say no to food.

Harvey gobbles his veggies.
Moshi eats bits at a time and sometimes doesn't finish vegies at all.
and Winston doesn't like veggies and he definitely wont
eat them if you're watching him. He eats about a half a
handful of veggies at most and leaves the rest.