picking up new bunny this weekend!!!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
, , USA
so im picking up the english angora tomorrow! imexcited! i can't wait. im going to put chicken wire down the middle ofthe room so they each have space and they can interact through thewire. Then im going to take them out and give them time together eachday, a little more each day(supervised). im also getting a litterboxand im going to put wire on top, becasue i heard that theyr feet arepadded enough were it doesn't hurt them, and that way it will keep herbum and hair clean. i will get a brush, i already have a hairdryer(coolsetting) and kitty malt for hairballs. is there anything im missing?anything else angoras need?....sooooooo excited!
Congrats! Be sure to post pics as soon as you get the little one home!
i will! here is a picture of the one i have now.one ear up and one ear down :Dhe's great though. i camn'twait to get him a friend. its kind of a bad picture caseu i took itwith my phone. ill most more with both of tem together
loppylove wrote:
is there anything im missing? anything elseangoras need?....sooooooo excited!


He's still a baby. You might want to keep the two isolated,just in case your new one is too stressedwith the move to her new home. Do you have namesyet?

Rainbows! :)

Word of advice ,On chicken wire , make sure itssized under One Inch , If you decide touse it , Hardware cloth is a better ideaits stronger and they cant get their teethinto each other through it like they willbe able to with chicken wire ,Not onlythat Chicken wire does not holdup under Bunny teeth they canchew right through it . I had Chickenwire on some of My cages right upuntill one clever Bun decided Shecould chew her way out , took me 4 hoursand a huge net to catch her .
I Agree BlueBird . I have an EnlishAngora right now and she willquite litterally beg for Hay , Theyget hay every day but shewants it all the time . I make sureher Hay rack is full at all times. plus she has pellets andgets dried Papaya . as do theother 3 wooled furrballs .

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